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Bigfoot Today

Bigfoot sightings never seem to go away. One guy was fishing when he looked up and claims he saw a big foot taking a bath and the lake. As much as we would like these Bigfoot sightings to go away they just keep cropping up. Unfortunately hoaxers keep fanning the flames. There was also the problem of people mistaking large animals for a Bigfoot. An example of this might be a bear. Sometimes nature produces a misshapen animal and when it happens to a large animal such as a bear this could lead to even more sightings. There is something which was proffered as evidence in this case however and that is a photo of what looks like an extremely large ape in the water up to its chest and the photo is very clear. Before digital photography this photo would have been accepted as complete proof of what the photographer saw, but in the age of digital photography and the ease in which photos can be altered, it is very hard to accept the photo as proof of anything. Still if the photo is from somebody who has a good reputation, this has to count for something. No matter who puts up a photo of this nature some will laugh and others will come out and say it is a hoax no matter how much proof they have.

There seems to be a lot more Bigfoot sightings people are aware of. If one looks at the list of Bigfoot sightings by states they would be shocked to find at least fifteen hundred sightings listed. The states which seem to have the most sightings are California with 434, Florida with 309, Illinois with 278, Michigan with 210, Ohio with 267, Oregon with 243, Texas with 219 and Washington State with a whopping 623 sightings. I’ve only included states on this list which had more than two hundred sightings. When one looks at the list it is hard to believe all these sightings are either misidentification or hoaxes. There must be at least fifteen hundred sightings on the list. It is interesting to note most of the sightings seem to occur on the West Coast in California or in Washington. The theory has been if Bigfoot does exist it is an animal which likes to be in the woods.

While there aren’t many photos of the so-called Bigfoot, sightings continue right up to this moment. There are some photos, but usually they are not very clear or are taken from a very far away. Is it possible a large ape lives in North America and we haven’t found out yet? Some believe there is a possibility if there are very few of them. Zoologists ask the question if Bigfoot does exist why haven’t we found any bones or remains. Some believe a Bigfoot will haul away the remains of a deceased Bigfoot and perhaps hide or bury it. But there is a very strange twist to the Bigfoot story. Some witnesses have stated they have seen UFOs releasing a Bigfoot, and they speculate not only do they release them, but they also gather them up later. I hate to throw UFOs into the mix, but they are part of the Bigfoot story.

Some witnesses have claimed not only have they seen a Bigfoot, but they have also heard the terrible noise they make. There is another claim being made about a Bigfoot and it is they build a sort of shelter out of trees. I say shelter, but it looks more like three trees crossing each other. It doesn’t seem to provide much shelter at all, but it might make it harder to sneak up on a Bigfoot and do it harm. Unfortunately anybody can buy a gorilla suit, go into the woods at some distance and have somebody take a video of them. You wouldn’t even need to enhance anything. It is so simple to do it is usually the first thought that comes to your mind when you see a Bigfoot video. This makes it even harder to convince people if you had a real video of Bigfoot. It is almost an impossible task to get people to believe what you saw and filmed was genuine, even if it was.

Recently a Bigfoot sighting was reported only three weeks before this article was written. It took place in Pascagoula, Mississippi in the beginning of February 2017. It turns out there is an organization called the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization. The lady who witnessed the Bigfoot called this organization to let them know. Bigfoot in this area is more often known as Sasquatch. There was a photo involved which captured the outline of an eye, nose and mouth but it was not enough evidence to prove the picture was of a Bigfoot. The head of the organization claims is constantly getting reports of Bigfoot sightings from every county in Mississippi.

There are pages and pages of Bigfoot sightings all over the Internet. The question is with so many sightings being listed is it possible that any of them are legitimate? Even if we had only one out of the many hundreds which are listed it would prove Bigfoot exists. I can’t help but feel that with all these sightings there has to be at least a couple that have some validity. Unfortunately just mentioning the word Bigfoot elicits scorn so you really can’t have an intelligent conversation on the subject because it is almost impossible to find an intelligent person willing to have an open mind on the topic. I think it could turn out we might have a species of ape on the North American continent. When you think of things this way it doesn’t sound so far-fetched does it?

I would like to finish this article with a story about Albert Ostman who was a Canadian prospector who claims he was abducted and held captive by a Bigfoot for six days. He claimed it happened in 1924. In 1957 a police magistrate filled out an affidavit after speaking to Mr. Ostman about his 1924 event and filled out an affidavit stating the man was in full possession of his mental faculties. Mr. Ostman said he was a lumberjack in 1924 and went into the woods for a vacation. He claims he was sleeping in a sleeping bag when a Bigfoot carried him away. The Bigfoot had carried him to an area where it had his family included three adults and a child. Ostman claimed he had a gun with him but since the Bigfoot family hadn’t done him any harm he didn’t want to shoot any of them. He claims he was with them for a week and they gave him some sort of sweet tasting grass to eat. He claimed they would wash and store this grass for food. He stated he eventually escaped and kept the story secret for twenty-four years, because he didn’t want people to think he was crazy. The first time he told the story was in 1957.