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Strange Unaccounted For Noises

All over the world we hear sounds that we cannot explain. Some of the sounds we hear once and that’s it, while other sounds continue and usually affect about 10% or less of the population. This in itself is very strange since not everybody will hear this type of sound, but those that do are being driven nuts. There are no figures to say how many people have had to leave where they lived, because of the sounds, but I am sure this has happened to quite a few people. Just the day before a sound was heard in the sky over parts of Queens and Nassau County in New York. At first it was thought to be an explosion, but later it was reported as a Sonic Boom. A Sonic Boom happens when an airplane breaks the sound barrier. Some people thought it was an earthquake, but then the sound was attributed to 2 military F–22 jets. There is more to this story however since NORAD which is the North American Aerospace Defense Command said it was unlikely these planes didn’t cause the sound since they would have been flying so high we never would’ve heard it. This leaves us with a question. Many of the news outlets are conveniently leaving this part out of the story.

There are many strange sounds being heard all around the world which cannot be accounted for. Some even sound like horns which just keep droning on while others sound like roars and yet many of the sounds cannot be traced to anything. When investigations are finished it is found there are no airplanes in the area, no factories are making sounds like these and there is no seismic activity. In 2012 a very strange sound was heard across the city of Denver. It had a metallic quality to it and sounded like something out of a science fiction movie. The source of the sound was never determined. In 2011 a very strange sound was heard over the city of Kiev in the Ukraine. It almost sounded like the music which was played to attract the flying saucer in the movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind. It was extremely weird and it is hard to see how anything could’ve caused it.

In 2013 strange sounds were heard in Terrence in British Columbia in Canada. They sounded like a strange scratching metal noises coming from the sky, but nobody had any idea what was causing them. They didn’t sound like any aircraft or anything else we are familiar with for that matter. There are many different opinions of where the sounds could be coming from, but nothing was ever proved. There are some people who attribute the sounds to a warning the world is coming to an end. The problem is there will always be some people who will attribute the unknown to either the end of the world or aliens. I guess anything is a possibility, but without proof these ideas seem to be the least plausible. NASA has said some of these sounds are coming from the earth. I guess we shouldn’t discount that possibility since the earth is in motion a lot more than we think about.

One sound I heard over a town sounded just like the sound one would hear when a train is squealing on a track. It is usually very loud when a train is making a turn. Unfortunately there were no trains in this town and there was nothing around which could make that sound and no way everybody in the town could hear it if there was. The sound was definitely metallic so I don’t believe it was coming from inside the earth at all. It was totally mysterious and had no way of being accounted for. So far I’ve only talked about sounds which as they say are one and done. In other words everyone hears them and eventually they disappear. As I mentioned before however, there are sounds which plague a good part of the population of some areas and they never seem to go away and yet not everyone hears them.

One of these sounds is known as the hum. It is heard in many different places and some of these places are very far away from each other. It is a steady sound that drones on and can be heard in certain parts of New Mexico, England, Scotland and in other parts of the world. It only affects a small part of the population, but these people are being driven mad by this sound. There have been numerous scientific investigations to find out where the sound was coming from, but not one of them was able to locate it. The sounds have been described by some as humming, throbbing or rambling. Most of the time the hum is only heard indoors and it becomes louder at night and seems to be more common in rural or suburban areas. If we look at these factors certain things become evident. It might be something in the construction of certain homes which is sympathetic to vibrations from the earth which creates the sound or frequency not everyone can hear. It probably happens more in suburban areas because there is less noise and therefore less sound waves competing with each other.

Stories of the hum go back as far in literature as the 1830s, but most investigators believe it didn’t become prevalent until about the 1950s. One physics professor talks about how he heard the hum for the first time. It happened to him in 2012 when he heard a dull droning sound. He was living on the coast in British Columbia in Canada. He decided to try and find the source of the hum, but couldn’t find anything. He then decided to examine literature on the subject and realized this type of hum was being heard by people in other places in the world and no one was able to find its source. Some dismiss the fact people hear this sound as a delusion, but clearly that is a ridiculous conclusion. As he investigated further he realized this hum was wreaking havoc in some people in many different places and driving some to the edge of madness. It was stopping people from sleeping or even enjoying their lives.

There is now a project called The World Hum Map and Database Project. They have listed a world hum map and if one looks at it they can’t help but notice there were more people complaining about these hum noises in the United States and across Europe than anywhere else. This is not to say there aren’t many other places which complain of hums, but the sheer density of people complaining about them are definitely in the United States and Europe. The following is the address for the Hum map,
You can copy this address and paste it into your browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live outside links. You can also go to that address to report a hum in your area.