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Mysterious Things

Everyone loves a good mystery so I figured I would write about some of the mysterious things people can’t figure out. The first one I would like to talk about is an ice volcano. Scientists think they have found a volcano on Pluto. This in itself would not be that unusual, but this volcano if far different from anything we have found so far, because it does not spew molten lava. When it erupts ice comes out of it. The term ice volcano can mean a volcano that erupts volatiles such as water, ammonia or methane.  The volcano is huge which makes it even more of a mystery since it is on a dwarf planet. Photos show it is 90 miles across and about 2.5 miles high which could make it the biggest object of its kind in the solar system. Scientists believe the volcano known as Wright Mons after the Wright Brothers, is very new and they base this on the fact there is only one crater on it. I guess the question comes down to this, what makes a volcano spew ice?

The mystery which concerns how huge rocks were moved by ancient cultures still persists. There is a theory which is starting to emerge. It has been around for a while, but it is becoming more popular and it concerns a lost technology. We know we have found some very interesting technologies which were lost to time such as Damascus steel which was rediscovered about 50 years ago and was superior to the steel we were using in turbo jet engines. Then there is the superior sound of the Stradivarius Violins, we can’t reproduce this today. The Antikythera mechanism which was an ancient Greek computer from the 2nd century B.C. and there are plenty more. The lost technology which is being talked about for moving extremely heavy stones is sound. There are a group of scientists who think some sort of sound apparatus was used to move these stones. The problem is there is no written history of this anywhere and no written history of how any of these huge stones were moved. I find this very strange don’t you? Some ancient civilizations who built with heavy stones were known for their precise record keeping.

The ancient Romans had their version of a wonder drug, it was called Silphium. They claimed it could do many different things such as act as a birth control drug. The drug was also said to be used to treat warts, fever, indigestion and many other ailments. It was said to be such a great birth control drug that every Roman wanted it. Pictures of the plant appeared on Roman currency. The Romans said if a woman drank this drug every couple of weeks that would be enough to prevent pregnancy. The drug was said to also be able to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The drug spread across the known world. The problem was the plant it came from would only grow in a certain spot and that was along the Mediterranean in North Africa. It is believed it was over harvested to extinction. Drug companies would love to have a sample of this drug to test today. Could it be better than anything we are currently using or are its effects being exaggerated, I guess we will never know?

When we think of Stonehenge we think of an ancient monument. This is usually where our thoughts about it end. We believe in the past it looked like it does now, but we can’t be absolutely sure since it was rebuilt by archaeologists to look like it does. Maybe we should be thinking about what is under Stonehenge. Recently much underground mapping has been done and the monument is revealing unexpected secrets. It has been said scientists were astonished at what they found which was thousands of monuments, shrines, burial mounds, pits and other features. There is so much data which has been discovered, it could take a very long time to analyze it. Wouldn’t it be something if what is under Stonehenge is far more advanced than Stonehenge itself? Since we are now finding pyramids which date back 20,000 years or more it is possible. There is always the possibility some advanced civilization passed away and a more primitive one built on top of it.

I wonder how many people have heard about the underground tunnels which are said to go from Scotland to Turkey and were built 12,000 years ago. Who could have built them and how could cavemen create a tunnel system like this using stone axes? We don’t hear much about these tunnels. I don’t know if this is on purpose because of all our hidden history, or there just isn’t much interest in the tunnels.

Another mystery is the reliefs on the wall at a temple at Abydos, Egypt. They clearly depict a helicopter, plane and something which looks like a UFO or modern speed boat. The problem is these were carved thousands of years ago. There have been all sorts of attempts to explain them, but nothing seems to fit. It sounds more like desperation to me, because the reliefs were obviously made at a time when none of this stuff should have existed and this sort of ties into the jewelry created in Columbia in 200-400 A.D. which depicted jet planes and which has never been explained. People have actually made larger models using the ratio of the plane sizes on the jewelry and these models flew. You have to admit there is something very strange going on here.

When Albert Einstein proved the existence of black holes scientists were aghast, but there was more to his discovery, because he also proved white holes exist. We have found what we believe to be black holes many times and even believe one black hole is at the center of our galaxy and many others, but there is a mystery here in that so far, no white holes have been discovered. Could Einstein been wrong about their existence? His discoveries were accomplished through mathematics which make them even more amazing to me. As far as white holes are concerned maybe there is another universe where there are only white holes dumping what remains of what black holes pulled in and crushed.

There are so many unsolved mysteries someone could write a libraries worth of books on the subject. They exist in every era and on almost every topic, if not on every topic.