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Is Earth A Spaceship?

Some UFO outlets are talking about Operation Highjump again. To refresh your memory I will briefly tell you what it was about. After World War II ended an expedition was sent by the U.S. military to Antarctica. It consisted of a force of 13 ships, 33 planes and about 4,700 men and was led by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd Jr.  It was said the purpose was to establish a base at Antarctica. Many people believed the real purpose was to investigate whether some Nazis has escaped to a secret base they had built there. Things didn’t work out and what was left of the expedition returned. The official word was they left, because of an early winter and they were not prepared for such conditions. Here is what many ufologists say, they claim Byrd found a tunnel into the earth and UFOs flew out of it and attacked the fleet and they didn’t have a chance so they retreated back to America. This story has been told many times, but now there is a new twist.

Some outlets are claiming there is more to the earth than we suspect. I am sure most of us have heard stories about how some people believe the moon is hollow and is really an ancient spaceship. Some ufologists claim so is the earth and there is more than one race on it, or should I say in it? They believe this is the reason for so much UFO activity. I have heard many stories over the years where this has been claimed for many moons, asteroids and comets so I have to say this idea is certainly nothing new. What is new is it is being applied to the earth. I think while anything is possible, the chances of this being true are about zero. If the earth were a spaceship why would it be traveling so slow in comparison to UFOs we have seen? In a way all objects in the universe are spaceships since they are all moving toward an unknown area, but the idea that our planet is a real spaceship and holds many other races just seems to me to be crazy.

Why would anyone think this? There are a few people who believe the earth is hollow and the reason for the hot interior is a small star is in the center. This idea has all but been discounted, but let’s say for the sake of argument it is true. It still wouldn’t mean we are on a spaceship would it? The next thing people started saying was there were openings at Antarctica which lead into the earth and it was said one could be seen on Google Earth. I did see this and it does make me wonder if these openings are natural or man made. If they are man made they might have been created before the area became frigid. Perhaps there were ancient mining operations going on or perhaps an advanced race lived there. There have been theories which state we were not the first to live on this planet and there could be others which retreated to the interior to avoid some cataclysm. Some Native Americans believe there is a race they call the ant people which live inside the earth and these people were responsible for saving them by bringing them inside at a time of natural disasters. Perhaps there is some truth to this legend.

Those who talk about the moon being a spaceship claim NASA knows this is true and found out the moon was hollow when they crashed a probe into it a few years ago and the moon rung like a bell for over an hour afterward. They also claim there is a site on the moon where one can see where some huge hook like device was attached so it could be towed into place. If the moon is hollow, this does not mean the rest of the theory is correct. Perhaps there are a lot of hollow bodies in our universe. One of the tiny moons of Mars is said to be hollow and it is the moon Phobos. It could be there is a process at work which we do not fully understand when it comes to forming planets and moons and it might produce hollow bodies from time to time. There has been light observed coming out of Venus which might indicate it is a hollow planet. I think until we see a UFO flying out of one of these places, we cannot assume they are bases and as far as them being totally artificial environments created for beings traveling through the universe, we just don’t have any proof at this stage.

If I had to believe one of the theories about the hollow earth and other races, I think I would tend to believe it might be used as an underground base by aliens before I ever believed earth was being used as a spaceship. There are those who might say to me I am not thinking correctly, because time might be different to some aliens than it is to us. While I am saying it would take too long to reach anywhere by spaceship earth, they might tell me aliens who didn’t die wouldn’t care and had plenty of time. I still wouldn’t think this would ever be the way to go. Who would want to travel so slow it would take 13 billion years to reach the end of what we think is the universe? Another problem is as we travel through space so is everything else, so we don’t get any closer unless we crash into another galaxy, which by the way will happen when we hit Andromeda, but that is said to happen in about 4 billion years.

We certainly do not know everything about how space works, so hollow planets, moons and such could be a natural event. Remember we have been wrong many times before and will be many times again. The way I see it, there is no rational way the earth could be used as a spaceship. It might be able to be used to create living conditions underground for an alien species who crashed here and is trying to survive until help arrives. There could also be another unknown race living underground who are also native to this planet. I wouldn’t completely dismiss these two theories. UFOs are reported daily and we do hear about them going into lakes and the ocean and presumably they might have underground bases as does the U.S. military and many other militaries around the world. A lot of underground construction has been taking place, so how come we haven’t run across an underground world? The deeper you go the hotter it gets so there is a limited area suitable for living, at least for humans.

I think rogue planets streaking through the universe would make much better spaceships than our planet.

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