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Strange Things Happened

Sometime mysteries happen which puzzle the experts and one of these mysteries took place in Canada. Someone was cutting the feet off of people and they were being found in different locations such as islands, along the shore and in rivers. They seemed to always be found in what some have noted was always located within the confines of a bigger area. The area was known as the Georgia Basin.  Far more left feet were found than right ones and the feet always were inside shoes as if someone had just chopped off a foot and tossed it. Eight feet have shown up without an adequate location. Some believe the feet came from the ocean and were perhaps a punishment for people trying to escape and the currents carried them to the same place. Whatever the reason this is certainly ghastly.

We have all heard the dinosaurs died out millions of years ago, well sort of. There was a monster reptile which roamed Australia which died out later or so it was thought. The Megalania was a 20 foot long lizard which could be found in the Australian Outback. Recently bones of the Megalania were discovered, but where they were tested they proved to only be about 300 years old. This statement might be more important than it seems at first blush, because if this monster existed only 300 years ago, some might still exist today. This is something else we have to wonder about and it is if the Megalania exists, could other giant creatures which we believed to be extinct still exist in the wilds of the Australian Outback hidden from human eyes?

Sometimes we ignore reports which later turn out to be true. Africans complained that giant catfish were eating people who wondered too close to a river in a certain area. No one paid much attention to this and believed it was just a tale until an investigator went to the scene and caught a catfish the size of a shark. Apparently these fish had no predators and just kept growing and became very dangerous. Now a new type of creature is said to be terrorizing some African communities. It is known as the Dingonek or Jungle Walrus. It is said to be over 15 feet long and can kill almost anything it comes across, including humans. Descriptions of the animal state it has a body covered by scales and a squarish head with horns. It is also said there is a poison in its tail so you don’t want to be hit by it. I guess it is time to investigate this and see if the animal really exists.

When we hear about UFO sightings we don’t hear much about one of the phenomena which is a certain type of light coming from the craft. It doesn’t happen all that often, but when it does it must scare the heck out of those who see it. I am talking about solid light. People have reported seeing this light rolling out of a UFO like a blanket unraveling and when it hits the ground it disturbs it. The light is said to possess other properties such as being able to go around obstacles and enter structures. Human science has been experimenting with trying to create solid light and I think we might be able to do it in a decade or so.

We talk about longevity and many of us think making it to 80 years old is an accomplishment and with good reason with all those diseases around, but there was a woman who was very well known in her time called the Countess of Desmond. She died in the early 17 century. Many of the well-known people of her time knew her, so here is the kicker. It is said she lived to be 140 years old. Francis Bacon talked about her and said he was told she regrew her teeth three times. The story goes she didn’t die from old age, but fell out of a tree while gathering nuts. Bacon mentioned he was told the countess was 7 score years old.

There is a small town in Spain named Belmez. A woman was working in her kitchen when a face appeared on her cement floor. The woman must have been scared out of her mind. She quickly had workmen come and tear up the floor and put down a new cement one. It wasn’t long before another face appeared. No one has been able to explain what happened or why.

There is a very odd story about an unknown older man. The man had made a 200 mile long pilgrimage. He seemed weak and struggled to the top of a mountain during a fierce snow storm then laid down and died. Many believe this man was the survivor of a 1947 plane crash which occurred on that mountain and he was returning to the site. Why would anyone want to go back to that site? Perhaps he lost loved ones there and felt he would be with them again if he died there.

I met with a man once who had been hit by a heavy screen which fell out of a window. This was not an ordinary screen, but the type meant to keep people from escaping from a facility and it was heavy. He was walking on the sidewalk with the screen came falling down and hit him in the head. It was nip and tuck for a few weeks. Doctors were not sure he would be able to survive but he did. That is not the odd part of the story, the odd part is he began to talk in foreign languages and these were languages he had never spoken before. The doctors were amazed and interpreters were called in and verified the fact these were really languages. As his recovery advanced he began to lose the ability to speak these languages and when he was fully healed that ability disappeared. This has happened to others.