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Does Bigfoot Exist?

One has to wonder why the sightings of Bigfoot persist. Could it be some people have bad vision and mistake a bear for a Bigfoot, or could there be some species of large ape which we haven’t discovered yet? There are some who claim they have seen Bigfoots (Bigfoots sounds strange like computer mouses) coming out of a beam from an overhead UFO. Then there are those who think a Bigfoot is a trans-dimensional creature of some kind. There is a lot of supposition over a creature which might not even exist. In some areas of the country people are making a living by creating Bigfoot footprints and selling plaster casts of these footprints as souvenirs. If Bigfoot does exist or there is some large ape that people are seeing, why are there so few photos? Camera traps have been laid out many times in areas where a Bigfoot was supposedly seen and yet nothing has been photographed. There seems to be only one video which has the possibility of being taken of a real Bigfoot and even that is controversial.

I have mentioned this before, but my favorite Bigfoot story took place over a hundred years ago. A man said he was in the woods and carrying his Winchester rifle. He said he was kidnapped by a Bigfoot who brought him back to a family of Bigfoots. The man was treated well, but held for days before he was able to escape. When he escaped during their nightly sleep he was also able to get his rifle back. Then there was a modern day encounter when another man was hiking through the northern woods. He said a Bigfoot attacked him as it jumped out of the bushes. He said he was never so frightened, but was able to kick and punch his way out and ran for his life and luckily the Bigfoot let him go. Hunters were staying in a cabin in the woods when they heard a terrible frightening scream which was not human. The next thing they knew rocks were being thrown at the cabin and were landing mostly on the roof. This kept up for some time and the hunters decided to stay inside. Who could blame them? It turns out throwing rocks is typical ape behavior.

In March 2015 a hunter decided to go into the woods to try and bag a deer. It was deer season after all. He saw a man in tan clothing, similar to buck skins in the distance and thought to himself you had to be crazy to go into the woods in deer hunting season dressed like that. He watched as the man approached him. When the man reached him the hunter asked him who he was and the man replied he was a Sasquatch and came from a family of Sasquatches. The hunter tried to talk to him calmly. The man left, but returned later and was naked and hit the hunter in the head with a rock and knocked him unconscious. When he woke the man was on top of him growling and grunting. He was able to wrestle himself free and asked the man why he was trying to kill him and the man replied that, “Sasquatch kills the hunter.” The man was captured and arrested and a jury rejected his defense and he was convicted of attempted murder and three counts of second-degree assault.

Another man said he was driving his Winnebago and it was late at night when someone or something began to throw rocks at it. The rocks damaged his windows and tail light. He said even though it was dark he could see his assailant who was hunched, brown and very large. He couldn’t tell if the assailant was hairy or not due to the poor lighting conditions, but believed he had been attacked by a Bigfoot. The man went on Facebook and posted the following message, “ROCKS THROWN THROUGH THE DOG HOUSE WINDOW......VANDELISM?? OR SQUATCH ATTACK?!!!!!!!!”. He included a photo of his Winnebago with the damage.

One of the problems with legends like Bigfoot is there are crazies out there who use the legend to somehow affect their lives. In a huge population of people, if you say something over enough you will get a reaction out of someone.

Supposedly Bigfoots are not only in the woods of the northern part of this country. According to some they also inhabit the desert regions of California and have been called by many different names including Borrego Sandman, The Speedway Monster, Zoobies, Devils and the Yucca Man. When Europeans settled in this country local Native Americans living in these desert areas told the Europeans about bad smelling wild men and would not go anywhere near where they said they lived. Not many people know this, but a stagecoach stop in what is now Anza-Borrego Desert State Park had several murders committed there in the mid and late 1800s and they were blamed on these creatures. One passenger who saw one of them described it as a large, naked, hairy thing which was watching him from behind some growth. The murders were accomplished by either beating the people to death or strangling them. It is said that in 1888 two hunters tracked down what looked like a giant ape and killed it.

One of the problems with the whole Bigfoot thing, besides not much evidence, is some of the people who claim to have been attacked by a Bigfoot are people who consider themselves Bigfoot hunters. Coming out with a story of being attacked by one could help to have some people’s believe in Bigfoots and thus further their agenda. There could be some form of undiscovered ape living in the United States which is big enough to fit the description of a Bigfoot and has enough remote areas to hide in, but until more definitive proof is found I think we have to chalk Bigfoot up to a legend which has a greater chance of not being true than being true. It would be interesting to find out if it does exist and we are finding new species every year, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.


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