Truth Facts

Mother Earth


Our Mysterious Oceans

There is no denying it, the oceans of the world are mysterious places, and are not very well explored. We often hear we know more about the surface of the moon than the bottom of our oceans and there is no doubt about that. Every once in a while a deep water fish will come to the surface we have never seen before. There are many different theories about the ocean and what could be down there. One of them has to do with a strange object which has been sighted at depth in the Baltic Sea. Some believe it is a UAP. It does seem to have that classic disc shape. A California university professor is trying to raise the case to explore the object and thinks it might be extraterrestrial in nature. Others think it is just a strange rock formation. It was seen years ago but nothing has been done to get to it yet.

There is talk the United States and perhaps other nations have dug tunnels under the seabed floor which connect their bases all over the world. It is true, there has been furious tunnel digging going on for years. This has been backed up by many people who should know. One thing is for sure, if we are doing it, so are the Chinese and Russians. There is one part of this which reminds me of what was done in the middle ages during the siege of castles. The enemy would tunnel under them to collapse the walls. Could it be our enemies are tunneling under our bases?

There is also talk we may have underwater bases. This seems like a likely event. Why wouldn’t we? Underwater bases could come in very handy as way stations for our submarine fleet. They could be used to make repairs, and restock the supplies and ammunition. They might even be able to be hidden using stealth technology and look like nothing more than rock formations or even not look like anything more than the bottom of the ocean. Again, if this is true our enemies could be doing the same thing. Since we have demonstrated the ability to launch missiles from underwater, who is to say we don’t have bases with missiles hidden underwater? The same could be true for other advanced nations.

Another thing which has been said about our mysterious oceans is there are extraterrestrial bases hidden in them. Many UAPs have been seen going into the water and coming out. This is an ability we as humans do not seem to have yet, even though we have been trying for years to develop it. Even in World War Two the Germans had plans for a plane which could accomplish this but gave up because of the weight factor. We would need some new material or shield which would be strong enough to counter the pressure from the ocean depths.

There are those who believe there could be ancient water dinosaurs hidden in the depths of the oceans and claim Nessie from Loch Ness, in Scotland came from the ocean depths and swam into the loch years ago. Is it possible ancient dinosaurs still exist in the oceans and we are unaware of this fact? It could be possible if they lived deep enough and could survive in the heavy water pressure. We haven’t explored the deep depths of the ocean very much, and certainly not enough to know everything which is down there. Some have said there could even be some ancient intelligent race living down there which developed in parallel to our own. It has been said 95 percent of the ocean floor is still unexplored.

There are things which go on in the ocean which scientists do not understand. Talk about discovering strange things on the ocean floor, scientists discovered something which they still can’t explain. In 2016 scientist found a strange purple orb on the seafloor. They named it Blobus purpilis. While they really do not know what it is they took a guess and said maybe it could be a type of snail. The truth is it could be any number of things or an entirely unknown species of marine life.

For hundreds of years, we heard stories of giant creatures with tentacles which were so big they could sink ships. We always dismissed these stories as tales for children, but then we found the giant squid. Some believe the 44 foot long beasts are the biggest of the giant squid but others claim they have seen ones which have reached 66 feet long. While they are not big enough to pull down ships, there is no denying they are monsters.

There are sounds in the ocean which we cannot figure out the source of. One of the most famous is the Bloop sound. What makes this sound so fascinating is it could be coming from an unknown deep sea dweller. It was first heard in 1997. On the other hand, maybe it comes from activity at the bottom of or under the sea bed. There is a wild theory out there which also states it could be coming from an unknown civilization in the ocean and one of their cities is making the noise. I guess we could attribute the sound to almost anything right now, until we find out the source.

There are objects under the ocean which look for all the world like ruins and they have been argued about over the years because some believe they are the remains of ancient societies, while others believe they are just natural formations. One of the most famous of these is what is known as the Yonaguni Monument. It is off the coast of Japan and those who believe it is the remnants of an ancient society, point to the fact it has what looks like perfectly carved steps and blocks of stone and even a carving which looks like a turtle. Detractors say the water has carved what looks like steps and the turtle carving is just a trick of the eyes. This argument will probably go on for years.

Who knows what we might eventually find in our oceans and why do some areas such as the Bermuda Triangle have such strange anomalies going on which drive compasses crazy and why do so may ships and planes disappear that fly or sail over it? Our oceans probably have many more secrets to reveal and as our technology improves, we just might find out many more answers.

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