Truth Facts



Crime In America

Crime is taking over the country. Since when is it alright to commit a crime, even a violent one? It seems it is okay in many places of our beloved country. Crime goes hand in hand with homelessness. How can we suddenly have all this homeless in so many places? Some of it is due to mental illness but much is due to drugs. There are places we have actually set aside for drug users to shoot up. I never thought I would see this day.

Crime has always been with us since the first caveman or cavewoman admired something another caveperson had and stole it. There is a theory which states the brains of criminals may be wired different than the brains of honest people. What causes a person to become a criminal? Some behavioral scientists believe it is environment. This probably has a lot to do with it. When there are families with only a mother who is out working, the child goes into the streets and more likely than not either joins a street gang on his or her own, or is forced into it. Once that happens, most of the time it is the end for them for any chance to become a productive member of society. Many street gangs get into selling drugs, prostitution, and even murdering their enemies and they don’t seem to care if someone get shot by mistake.

Another problem is people with a mental illness. I remember when the police would suspect someone of having a mental illness and was a danger to themselves or others, they would pick them up and put them into a hospital for a mental health examination and if they were found to be mentally ill, they would be treated. Then politics got into it and one mental hospital I know about which had up to 10,000 patients which was a state hospital with many buildings had to release thousands of them because of a new law intended to save money. It did just the opposite. Many of these mentally ill people moved onto the streets and the police now put them in jails which cost far more for each on than being in the state hospital or they stay on the street. First of all, I want to say most mentally ill people are not dangerous, but the few that are do some horrendous things and think they are doing God’s work or are helping the devil. Some even believe they are sending people to a better place. Many of the mentally ill can be controlled with the correct medication. What people may not realize is there are judges, people in government and others in very important places which have controlled their mental illness and are functioning individuals.

Are we egging on people to commit crimes? It certainly seems that way with some of the laws which have been passed. How does it help society to let people steal from stores? What these crooks are doing is destroying the fabric of society. When stores lose money to shop lifters they try and do things that make it harder for the rest of us to shop in them. They begin to lock up the items which are stolen the most which is usually their first step. Because of this when you shop there you have to wait for someone to unlock the item you want to buy and that can be a hassle. The next step is the prices have to get raised on everything to make up for the losses and if the stealing continues the store has to close leaving the neighborhood without stores in some cases. This is a harsh blow to those living in those places.

Some of the laws which were passed in some places are just crazy, no I think I would rather say stupid. Take for example one which allows people to steal up to $800 worth of merchandise. I still can’t wrap my brain around that. Then there are the no bail laws in some states where criminals no longer have anything to fear so there is more crime than ever. We are hearing about criminals who appear in court 50 and 60 times or more and each time are let out. They probably figure why not be a criminal it pays good and nothing happens to them. It seems to me this is being done to destroy our country and it is succeeding.

The New York City subway system is unique in the fact it is one of the most dangerous places in the city. It seems to serve as a place for the homeless, mentally ill and criminals. The authorities complain about fare beaters and yet their solution is better turn stiles that cost thousands of dollars each when all they have to do is send the police in to stop the turnstile jumpers. The burden of the expense is punishing the honest citizens in the city with new taxes, tax being raised and a proposed congestion tax which is going to charge anyone going into the city below I think 60th Street an extra 25 dollars a day. The criminals must be laughing themselves silly.

The Romans had a way with dealing with crime. I am not saying it wasn’t brutal, but I am saying criminals knew it was dangerous to commit a crime. Most criminals were whipped and fined and wooden shoes were put on their feet to stop them from running away when they were prisoners. More serious crimes could be punished by death. I think everyone by now knows about crucifixion. It not only resulted in death, but a painful death. When former criminals were interviewed in Japan, most of them stated they would rather die than go back to a Japanese prison. It was because of all the time they had to spend on their knees. Talking is only allowed during exercise and free time and it must be in Japanese. Prisoners must work and everything is on a strict schedule. It is said the guards stand for no kind of nonsense. Japan is almost always in the top ten most peaceful countries and that is partially because criminals get harsh punishment, the opposite of here where they get cable, gyms and other things. If criminals here were scared of our prisons they might think twice about criminal activity.

I believe the main cause of crime in this country is our politicians and their policies. There is something wrong with people who see all this crime and just keep making things easier for criminals at the expense of honest citizens. It has to be done for a purpose.

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