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Government Secrets

The Huffington Post ran an article titled “Top 5 Secrets U.S. Government Doesn’t Want You to Know.” The claim in the article is a White House insider had provided the reporter with a classified document stating five things and apparently the secret provider has stated the secrets are being kept from us. Some of the things I am going to tell you about sound like science fiction and I believe some of these things can never be, but who am I? I am just a humble human giving his opinion. I know my opinion doesn’t mean much, but I do have life experience, a lot of it.

One thing I just can’t agree with or even believe is the first thing on the list which is time travel. It is being said time travel is now possible. There has been a lot of discussion about time travel over the years. Scientists have said traveling into the future is possible and would take speed. The faster a spaceship would travel the slower a person inside would age and time inside the ship would slow down while the people on earth would age normally. There could be a time when that space traveler went back to earth and only aged a year or two, but he would find all his friends on earth and his relatives have died of old age. At the same time these scientists have said going into the future was a one-way trip and going into the past may not be possible, or at least a lot more complicated to do. If we could time travel would we allow the North Korean leader to exist or continue the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan? It would be a simple matter to go into the past and avoid these wars and get North Korea to join with South Korea. No, I really don’t believe we have time travel even though this was listed in the supposed leaked document.

The next thing which was supposedly leaked was a fact which might be even at least as fantastic as time travel. It is said the U.S. is creating robots which it eventually wants to be the president of the United States. I can hardly type this without laughing. Can you imagine either political party giving up the presidential post? Aside from that does anyone really think the US population would stand for being ruled by a robot? I don’t think so. The claim is the robot will be indestructible and there will be no more worries about assassinations. Hey if the president was a robot and it got destroyed we could just create another president or even have spares. If this ever happened I don’t think a robot would be in office, it would have to be an android. Absurdity has reached a new level with this idea.

Another secret which was said to be outlined in the document was a statement saying the government really doesn’t have the power to force someone to pay taxes and all the prosecutions for non-payment of taxes are illegal, because the constitution and laws in the Internal Revenue Code are being violated and those who have performed the prosecution can themselves be sent to jail. including any judge which has participated. I have heard this argument before. I am not an attorney, but I know the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution states Congress is granted the broad power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imports and excises. It seems to me if the government has the power to collect taxes then they can prosecute those who do not pay.

We have heard some people claim they have seen a Bigfoot. Usually people laugh about this. There are some who continue the hoax by creating false Bigfoot foot prints and selling casts of them. In this light how could anyone believe what I am going to say the document said about a Bigfoot? It claims Bigfoots are being bred as ultra-powerful Homeland security guards. This doesn’t say much for the intelligence of Homeland agents does it? This is like someone’s nightmare and might be something you would find in one of those really cheap horror movies. I can see it now; a terrorist being chased down by a Bigfoot who stomps him to death with size 32 feet.

The last item in the document has to do with a government plan to end hunger in this country. It is not a normal plan however as you might guess from what else we have been talking about. The plan is said to be modeled after similar plans that worked successfully in Ecuador, Guyana and the Ukraine. It calls for all the zoos to release their animals and allowing the poor to hunt them down for food. This crazy so-called government plan was probably thought of, because there was something similar that happened in Spain. A scheme in Spain caused animals in zoos to be released into the wild for the enjoyment of hunters who would shoot them. This was a criminal enterprise.

After reading the article in the Huffington Post one has to realize it must have been a comic entry. It was put up as a serious article which the paper must have thought makes it even funnier. I guess if we needed a list of truly nutsy ideas, this would be a good one. There isn’t one true secret or good idea in the bunch. The address for the original article is,
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