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Corey The Whistleblower

An interesting thing happened recently, a whistleblower calling himself Corey has come out and said he knows of classified activities happening on Mars and the moon. He claims there is still Nazi influence in our space activities. Before I go any further I want to remind everyone that our space program under Warner von Braun was run by hundreds of Nazis we imported from Germany at the end of the war. These people sometimes wore Nazi pins on jackets and celebrated Hitler’s birthday. It is not inconceivable their associates and offspring are still practicing Nazi ideas and that many of them are still involved with our space program. The program which brought these Nazi over to the U.S. was Operation Paperclip. While Nazis in our space program is a possibility it is harder for us to believe some of the rest of his story, but not impossible.

He claims the space powers on earth have been meeting with extraterrestrials. He says there are currently five different races we are involved with. He says they want us to evolve and have contributed genetic research to help us to this end. I guess I have heard similar stories for 50 years or more and yet no one in the government, any government will admit to working with space aliens. Once in a while a NASA employee will come forward and say they saw one on a monitor or a retired military person will come out and say they either saw an alien body or even a live alien captured from a UFO crash. So it is not that unusual for someone to state these things. One of the problems is it is not clear who this person Corey worked for. It is said he was involved in secret projects, but that is about as specific as it gets. If I were interviewing him, the very first question after what is name is would have been exactly who did you work for.

He claims to have visited secret bases on Mars and the Moon. If true could this be tied in to the U.S. dropping out of the Ballistic Missile Treaty and squeezing Russia at every turn by placing missiles near their borders and conducting war games near their country? Let me make this clearer. The New World Order had been talked about for quite a while. It is said their goal is to bring the population of the world down to about 500 million people so they can be better managed while the rich and powerful life lives like the powerful kings and queens of old. What better place to hide than on Mar or the Moon while a nuclear conflict brings down the earth’s population to somewhere around their desired target? Sounds gruesome doesn’t it, but bringing down the population seems to be the main aim of these people. A powerful enough nuclear war would kill many billions of people and that would be just what the doctor ordered for the New World Order people. Even those who didn’t make it to Mars or the Moon would have many deep underground shelters available for them as we have been digging these things for years.

The whistleblower said there is a corporation which is running the bases and it has authority over the military facilities. I find this very hard to believe as I do some of the rest of this stuff. He said he has been to the moon and Mars and personally seen this bases and they are run under the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate or ICC. Get this, he states slave labor was used to construct these bases and Nazis were heavily involved. He also said so were the extraterrestrials. I have seen many clues which indicate there could be bases on the moon and Mars. There have been photos released by other whistleblowers who worked for the U.S. Army and had top clearances who posted one or two of Moon bases. As far as Mars goes some of the photos taken by NASA seem to indicate the presence of humans on the planet. On photo from NASA clearly showed the print of a man’s dress shoe while another was the photo of the landscape and there was a cigarette butt from a filtered cigarette on the ground. I have no way to explain these photos except they were either frauds or genuine and they did come from NASA so you can decide.

The thought that there are still Nazis controlling important programs is an unsettling one. When we brought the original Paperclip team to this country, some of these Nazi scientists were members of the dreaded SS including von Braun himself. It was known he used slave labor in his factories and worked people to death and yet we treated him like a celebrity. The same was true for some of the Japanese and German doctors who cut people open when they were alive to study their insides. What the heck is the matter with us? It is true we probably wouldn’t be the dominant power in space today if we didn’t do what we did, but did we pay too high a price and will Nazi sympathizers be our downfall and eventually lead us into another war?

I don’t think the story of this whistleblower has any credibility, but as a vehicle to wake us up to what is going on in space, it might have some value and maybe that is why it is being told. There could be Nazis still involved with our space program and we might have made contact with extraterrestrials, but since everything is a big secret here, we may not know for hundreds of more years if ever. Everyday someone or several people see UFOs in our skies and by their movements many of them cannot be earth vehicles. I think this is enough for most of us to assume we are being visited by aliens. Things are so secretive in this country that if aliens landed on the White House lawn, it would be covered up in some way. If we ever do find out about what we are really doing in space it is going to be quite a shock to many of us. We think rocket and such are the way to get around, but we have almost surely advanced past this stage, but it is a secret. Remember what Ben Rich who was the former head of the Lockheed Skunk Words said on his death bed, he said we have the means to reach any star.