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Interesting Inventions And Innovations

One of the biggest complaints of drivers in this country is potholes. It seems they are everywhere. When they get fixed it doesn’t last very long. Someone once asked me what I thought was the problem and I said obviously it is money to repair roads, but it is also the fact the repairs are given to the contractor with the lowest bid and that contractor is going to use the cheapest materials to do the repair. This means the repair won’t last and it also means the contractor might get another job out of it in the future. Some ancient Roman roads are still around and yet many of our roads are falling apart. This is where science comes in. Concrete has been with us for a long time and while it is used on some roads, asphalt seems to be the material of choice for roads. This may end in the future, because of a new type of concrete which has been developed.

The new concrete is water-repellent. This is a very important feature which prevents water from permeating the cement. This feature is interesting, because two thousand years ago the Romans developed cement which dried under water and still survives to this day. It is almost like reinventing the wheel in one sense, but there is more to the new cement than this. It is impregnated with very strong fibers. The fibers are said to make this cement almost impossible to destroy by road traffic. A typical road made of this cement is said to be able to last up to 120 years without a repair. This would not only be quite a safety factor, but think of all the money which will be saved. The cement itself is more ductile and if a crack does form, it is not a cause for failure of the cement. The cement is said to be able to bear four times the weight of ordinary cement and the ductility factor is over 200 times. A cement highway today is said to have no more than a 30 year lifespan and bridges made of concrete about 40 years.

The fibers in the cement are made of polyvinyl alcohol and this has a tremendous effect on the durability of the cement. The cement will be more expensive than traditional cement, but more than make up for the additional cost by not requiring maintenance for over a century. This could be the fix that our nation’s roads need. It also makes me wonder what other uses the cement can have. Will we be able to build taller buildings without using steel? Perhaps we could wrap steel girders with this cement to increase their strength. This cement might be invaluable in constructing tunnels and maybe even in mine construction. There are probably hundreds of uses I can’t even think of right now, but this stuff could be just what the doctor ordered.

Do you like virtual reality, many people love it? You usually put on some sort of headpiece which goes over your eyes and then you see a virtual world and feel like you are part of it, but what if you could take some of the things in the virtual world out of it and put them into your real world? Yeah I know this sounds too incredible to be true, but guess what it is said to be true. A scientist claims he has created something called inFORM. He says the interface can actually come off the screen and you can physically manipulate it. He also says you can visualize 3D information physically and touch it. Sounds like how the Matrix started. It is thought future devices will be able to morph into other things. This is interesting, because many people have claimed to see UFOs which changed shape. What I mean by this is they claim to actually have caught them going from one shape to another. One that I remember was a UFO changing into a helicopter which had been observed by one or two witnesses, I don’t remember the exact amount of witnesses. InFORM is being called a virtual leak into our physical space.

A former U.S. Government worker is claiming the government has kept certain technologies from the public and one of them is battery technology which would solve our power problems. He also claims we have anti-gravity devices. While some may poo poo this, let’s take a closer look. We know companies have been working on anti-gravity for decades and I believe it was Boeing who hired the Russian expert in the field many years ago. If large corporations believed enough in this technology to spend large sums of money on it, there is a good chance they succeeded in perfecting it by now. As far as battery technology goes, power companies have been buying out battery companies also for decades when they felt they were getting too close to perfecting much better batteries. He talks about the government’s black projects and if what he is saying is true, companies are working hard to develop devices which we have already developed and are just sitting in black projects, because the government is afraid of them being stolen by unfriendly nations. It has been said there are even devices which can cure cancer, but they have the ability to be used in a way to hurt the human race, if weaponized.

The world has a problem and it has to do with droughts and soil which decrease the ability to grow crops. Scientists say they have an answer for this and it is imprinted soil. An experiment which has been going on since 1976 has shown itself to be successful. It is a simple way to revegetate barren lands. It is merely making a depression in the soil with a heavy and dimpled wedged roller. The bottom of the depressions become collection points for elements needed for seed generation and soil building. This is a very simple process and no chemicals are needed. When it rains the rain stays on the land and sinks into the depression and seeds which are in the bottom of the depression are shielded from the sun. The land doesn’t need to be tilled. They have been doing this in Tucson, Arizona since the start. Since 1980 20,000 hectares of degraded range land have now been restored with perennial grasses.

It always amazes me with something as simple as creating a small hole can change things so dramatically. It has been far too long where we thought the only answers to land erosion and other land and crop problems had to come from chemical companies. I have to ask myself why is it we didn’t hear more about these other solutions, could it be they were being kept out of the media?