Truth Facts



Unnatural Death

There are many people in this country who have been charged with killing another human. Some of them are famous. There are also others who people suspect were killed even though coroners have declared their deaths suicide or accidental. James Vincent Forrestal was Secretary of the Navy and then Secretary of Defense. Many had said Forrestal had made enemies in the administration of President Truman after he was appointed Secretary of Defense and when it was said he was being sent to the hospital for his mental illness, people began to wonder what was happening. Then it did happen, he was found on the ground and it was said he leaped to his death from a high window. Some didn’t believe it was suicide. The pointed to some facts found in his room such as the fact in had one of the only windows where the heavy screen had been left open and the floor showed numerous scuff marks such as those which would have been made if someone was resisting being dragged to the window.

There is a boxing promoter who at 90 years old is still in boxing. His name is Don King. He was charged with murder two times. The first time he was found innocent, but the second time he was said to have been convicted of second degree murder which was reduced to manslaughter. He served four years in jail.

One of the most famous so called suicides is that of the former actress Marilyn Monroe. She was one of the most famous of all the actresses of her time and a sex symbol. She had many famous boyfriends and was married three times, including being married to the late Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees baseball team. That marriage lasted only nine months but the divorce broke Joe’s heart and some say he never got over it.  Some of her boyfriends were very famous such as Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra and others, but I think the most famous was John Kennedy the President. It was said he told her many secrets. When he got tired of her, he passed her along to his brother Robert F. Kennedy, the Attorney General. One day she was found dead with pills all over and clutching a phone. Some have said she might have threatened to spill the beans on what she knew so she was done away with.

Sid Vicious was a member of the famous English band the Sex Pistols. It was known as a punk rock band. He was arrested for the death of his girlfriend who was in a hotel room with him and died from a single stab wound. While out on bail he took a drug overdose and died.

One of the saddest suicides of a famous person was the death of Robin Williams. Williams was beloved by many people. He was said to be a really good guy. Many didn’t know he battled severe depression which led to drug use and alcohol use. Many believe this depression finally got the best of him.

Being a famous celebrity is not always a good thing for someone. Tupac Shakur was a famous rapper in the 1990s. One day he went to a boxing match and upon leaving was the victim of a drive by shooting. He also had an attempt made on his life two years earlier. Six months later another rapper named Christopher Wallace also known as Notorious B.I.G. was murdered. No arrests were ever made for the murders.

A strange death occurred in 1959. Most people won’t recognize the name of the actor, but old timers like me all know the guy because he played Superman on early television. His name was George Reeves. He had appeared in the series, Adventures of Superman. He was visiting three friends with his fiancé at the time and died from a bullet wound to the head. It was ruled a suicide. No one who was there that day would say anything. Many believed it was an accident. I happen to know someone who died almost the same way. When a newly minted policeman was showing his gun off to his friends one of them shot themselves by accident and died.

Even today, there are still theories about the death of Princess Diana. After Diana was divorced from Prince Charles, some say she was in fear for her life. She died in a car crash which was determined to be an accident. It is amazing after all this time people still have conspiracy theories about her death and the accident.

Kurt Cobain of the band Nirvana took his own life. It is strange because there is a group of famous people who all took their lives at 27 years old and some say Cobain, who was 27, somehow wanted to be with them. This is just so weird an idea. Cobain had a drug problem and was severely depressed. He had just escaped from a detox center a couple of days before.

A famous wrestler at the time, Chris Benoit decided not only to kill himself, but to also kill his family. It was a horrible act for anyone, but being a WWE superstar meant he could easily overpower them. He strangled his wife then moved on to strangle his son. After he was finished, he killed himself. It turned out he was mentally ill and battling dementia and had severe brain damage.

One very famous suicide which is still remembered by many is the suicide of Ernest Hemingway the famous writer. He is another person who suffered from severe depression. He became an alcoholic and finally could not take the depression any longer and shot himself committing suicide at the age of 61.

I guess everyone knows Vincent Van Gogh was mentally ill, but also a great artist. Van Gogh had many different types of mental illnesses. He had severe depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, porphyria and epilepsy. I guess you could say the deck was stacked against him. There came a point where he became so overwhelmed, he committed suicide at the age of 37.

So many of those people who commit suicide are suffering from depression. It seems this almost always leads to the taking of illegal drugs and alcohol, which in turn seems to make things worse for them. It also doesn’t seem to be too good for an outsider to get too close to those who have secrets they want to keep, or to get involved with organized crime in any way. These last two things could be much more easily preventable than depression, that is for sure.

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