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Years ago, some of the stuff I am writing about would have appeared in horror movies as the main plot. Let me give you a true example. The following facts were released by The Guardian. Scientists have decided to create “miniature brains” which will contain Neanderthal DNA. The brains are small blobs of tissue known as brain organoids and human stem cells will be used to produce them. The stem cells have been altered to contain genes from Neanderthals. Can’t you see this as the plot of a cheap horror movie where the scientist makes a mistake and the brain grows bigger and acquires powers of its own and takes over the lab making more Neanderthal brains in an attempt to conquer the world?

There has been a new wrinkle concerning the orbit of the earth which also could affect global warming. Scientists have discovered the orbit of the earth is influenced by the planets Jupiter and Venus. They claim under the right conditions the earth receives a jolt. It is said these two bodies are lengthening the orbit of the earth and this will last for about 215 million years. Supposedly this is measurable and could be responsible for environmental and ecological changes we have experienced and will experience.  Scientists had to find a way to go back more than 50 million years to check this theory and when they did they found it was correct. The sediment was examined and climate changes could be observed during those periods. Scientists had suspected this might be the case but lacked ways to verify this before it.

President Trump has been doing a lot of things lately and recently he called for a new branch of the service to be known as the Space Force. A lot of people believe we already have a space force but it is a secret one. A video appeared on YouTube about this and the narrator who seems to be from India states the United States does have a space force already and the president may be doing this because it is time to let the world know about it. She goes on to say this is why the United States has so much missing money which cannot be accounted for, meaning it was used to build this force. We have no way of knowing if this is true or not, but would it be such a surprise to find out it was true? There are so many rumors about the United States have vehicles which can reach orbit and look like planes such as the Aurora it seems to strengthen the case.

Ever since the news came out about the Pentagon having a program to check on UFOs more information has been coming forth. There has been talk about government projects which have been working toward developing a warp engine for example. There has also been a lot more talk about stealth. I find this interesting due to the fact it has been getting harder to hide vehicles as countries create countermeasures to stealth technology. We do not know at what stage some of these devices are at. There is even talk of bending time and of course anti-gravity engines which have been talked about for generations. It seems like scientists are using a play book directly from Star Trek. I say this because a lot of what is said they are working on has been seen in that show, such as the Tractor Beam and Transporter.

The leading company in robotics is said to be Boston Dynamics. Perhaps some of you have seen the Atlas robot in action. It can run upstairs, do flips, jump and carefully walk on narrow paths. It is a human type robot built with two arms and two legs. Now this famous company has decided to sell a robot which will come onto the market soon. The robot is called the SpotMini and one headline states, “You’ll Be Able to Buy a Boston Dynamics SpotMini Soon, Please Don’t Teach It to Kill.” SpotMini has the recognizable shape of a dog and some might call it cute. It weighs 66 pounds and will run for about 90 minutes on a single charge. It can open doors and do quite a few different things which were undoable for robots a few years ago. Again please don’t teach it to kill.

Artificial Intelligence has been discussed quite a few times lately.  There are those who think it is better than sliced bread and others who believe it will be the end of us. The truth is there is probably no holding back advances in artificial intelligence so we better learn how to deal with it. To this end the White House just formed an artificial intelligence task force. We don’t know what they are entrusted to do yet. It could be to settle the question of danger or they could have been formed to figure out how we could lead the world in this area. Artificial Intelligence or AI as it is called might be one of the greatest discoveries if used properly. This shows there may be some intelligence in Washington after all only it might all be artificial.

Scott Kelly is a US astronaut who spent over 520 total days in space. This is the total amount of days for four missions he was on. You will probably remember him since he has a twin brother and it was shown his DNA had changed when he came back from his last mission. He said he saw many things in space he couldn’t explain. He was 99.99 percent certain aliens from space have never visited the earth. When asked if UFOs could be craft from other countries or our own he just smiled. He did say when you realize the size of the universe it is hard to believe there isn’t other life out there.

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