Contrails And Chemtrails
We finally have an answer to the question of chemtrails. A NASA scientists admits they are disbursing lithium and their excuse is to track the winds which are high in the atmosphere. We know some chemtrails have left some unusual residue on the ground and this didn’t look like lithium. The NASA scientist who admitted this talks about a University which is in charge of developing chemical releases. Here is the address of the video with the NASA scientist admitting they create chemtrails, just copy and paste it into your browser: Sorry About Facts doesn’t use live links. Now we know that chemtrails are not our imagination and things are being sprayed into the atmosphere which we have to breathe in. The NASA scientist states they would never put anything harmful into the atmosphere, would you like to bet your life on that statement, especially after years of denying they were creating chemtrails?
People who have been following chemtrails for years and sometimes for decades believe that the government is trying to geoengineer our climate. One scientist said things which work one way in the lab do not necessarily work the same way in nature. He stated this happens, because when we do things in isolation it is different because we do not understand how nature is interconnected. He went on to say many so called solutions to the climate change problem may have unforeseen consequences. The scientist says climate change is now undeniable and it is getting worse every day. This is what probably prompted the government to launch an effort to slow it down or stop it and one of the ways it is trying to do this is by spraying chemicals into the atmosphere. The scientist said the answer is probably not in geoengineering, but in the stopping of the burning of fossil fuel.
It is believed the government began the spraying of chemicals into the atmosphere in earnest in 1997. That is probably when they began to panic over climate change even though they refused to admit it. For many years the government has denied spraying chemicals into the air and we were told what we were seeing were just normal jet plane exhausts. This did not explain the intensive trails in some places where many planes were crisscrossing the skies in a checkerboard pattern. It also didn’t explain some of the strange things found covering trees and grass which seemed to be a sort of sticky residue or worm shaped objects. One of the things which makes this spraying even scarier to many is the fact we have been called useless eaters by some of the rich and powerful. This has been much talk about cutting down the population to 500,000,000, because it could be more easily controlled by the New World Order. Some believe the spraying has something to do with that.
IN 1999 the New Mexico Attorney General’s office contacted a member of NMSR which is New Mexicans for Science and Reason. They had been getting a lot of complaints from citizens about chemtrails. An investigation was launched and a scientist from the organization said he had viewed a number of photos and spoke to the Sandia National Laboratory and a retired general and had come to the conclusion the trails were only normal trails from airplanes. Then he went on to say there could also be occasional purposeful releases of say high altitude barium for standard wind tracking experiments and there could be other related experiments which occur from time to time which release agents into the atmosphere. He finished by saying not one picture showed anything but normal contrail formation. What was going on here? Was it a fact the photos were only of normal contrails or was there some sort of cover-up and that is why the scientist added the fact about experiments in the atmosphere? Now that we know for sure NASA is releasing chemicals into our air this changes everything we were told.
One feature of the spraying is that it is occurring on a daily basis at least in some areas if not all. It is certainly hard to tell from the ground the different trails, but when we see those trails which seem to be much fuller and last for a long period of time before dissipating there is a good chance these are chemtrails. It is also easier to tell when the spraying is done in patterns such as an X or a grid pattern. There is certainly no reason for normal flights to go in these directions. A chemtrail can last for hours depending upon what is sprayed out of the plane.
Edward Teller, the father of the nuclear bomb was concerned with global warming and in 1997 he put forth an idea to lessen it. It called for the spraying of one million tons of material into the atmosphere to deflect one percent of sunlight. He had stated it would be cheaper to slow global warming through stratospheric deployment of oxide particulates than any other way. A study was made in 1992 by the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering on global warming. The study mentioned the fact we could spray soot or dust to cut down on sunlight. It also called for simulating clouds. It seems to me the more we spray into the air the more we are going to be breathing it. I have to wonder how many studies were called for to examine the effect on human health from spraying these things into the atmosphere.
I think those skeptics and so called debunkers have been dealt quite a blow by NASA when it was admitted they were spraying the air. A report was submitted to the British Government about chemtrails and it was backed by over 20 signatories who detailed widespread illegal and unacknowledged spraying of chemicals from aircraft. It was either ignored by some agencies or denied by others. A man named Johnson said he has sent reports about chemtrails to several agencies in Great Britain and when he received the response from DEFRA, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs is was a flat denial spraying was taking place. The DoT or Department of Transportation replied with a more comprehensive answer, but it all boiled down to the fact everything was a contrail and sometimes ice crystals make the trails last longer and get bigger.
There are chemicals being sprayed above our heads and what is up there must come down. It seems to me it is totally wrong to spray chemicals into the atmosphere without at least asking permission of the public and explaining what is being sprayed and why.