Truth Facts




I never discuss politics in my articles, but what is happening in Afghanistan is beyond that. We are letting our citizens who are trapped and can not reach the airport just sit there without helping them as of the writing of this article on 23 August, 2021. How can any government not care about their citizens and shamefully only give lip service without doing anything? There have been weak governments before, but this one seems to be the weakest and without regard for American lives.

We are given a picture by the president of what is happening in Afghanistan, but it is contrary to the people who are there and tell us the opposite. It is beyond heartache to see what is taking place. Think about this. Afghanistan is a Muslim country. Many of the people who helped the Americans and were in the Afghanistan army were Muslims. These people are so desperate to save their children they are willing to give them to non-Muslims to save their lives. We have all seen the pictures of them handing their children to American soldiers over the barbwire at the airport. This is indeed desperation.

What are we told? We are told the Taliban will let Americans pass their checkpoints. We are depending on the people we fought for twenty years to do the right thing. What is wrong with us? We are also told leaving Afghanistan makes the Russians and Chinese unhappy because they want to see us stay there and drain our resources, when the exact opposite is true. They are all having parties because they now know how weak we are and gutless. I am not talking about our troops, but about our administration.

The truth is we only had 2,500 troops there and they weren’t doing any of the fighting. The fighting was being done by the Afghan army. The same army which lost over 50,000 soldiers which were killed and shamefully called cowards by our president. As a former soldier this makes me very sad. This was never about disagreeing about getting out of Afghanistan, but how we got out, yet the president keeps talking about we had to get out and conveniently ignores the fact that is not what this is about. Yes, we couldn’t stay there forever, but who would pull out the military, close down a protected airbase and leave every American and ally stranded in a very dangerous country. Apparently, our president would and did.

On top of that some of the European countries which had military there went and got them out, but the administration seems too scared to do this which compounds their folly even more and seems to indicate the lives of others are not very important to the administration. How has the president responded, one of the ways was to write a strong letter to the Taliban, according to the administration. The Taliban must have had a good laugh over that.

Biden has put our country in more risk than it has ever been from terrorism, but not only our country, but all of NATO and many other places. It is now being seen we are not protecting our own citizens in Afghanistan so how can any other nation think we will honor our commitments? The answer is they can’t. We are showing other countries we cannot be trusted. According to the president the allies are all very happy with what he did and are congratulating him. One has to wonder how he can say this when we are seeing just the opposite coming from them on television. The British government is furious with him as are many other governments. They weren’t even told we were pulling out and were totally unprepared for what happened. One retired British officer said he thought Biden should not be impeached but Court Martialed since he was the Commander in Chief. These do not sound like happy people to me.

We are getting the excuse no one thought the Taliban could conquer the country so fast, yet some reporters stationed in Afghanistan have reported they would go at night in cities like Kabul and kill people then leave before daylight. Apparently, they were right there all the time yet the administration acts as if this was a surprise. Why would Kandahar airport and military base have been closed before a complete withdrawal. It was far safer than the one runway airport in Kabul.

The president has mentioned several times he is depending on the Taliban to do the right thing as concerns Americans and let them pass to the airport. He also says he doesn’t know if he can get every American out by the deadline of August 31st. The Taliban has said this is a red line and won’t allow us any more time. They are dictating the terms to us. On top of all this all the weapons we have bought for the Afghan army now belong to the Taliban. It certainly looks like we are really not doing much to get the rest of the Americans and don’t even know who they all are.

The Taliban seem to know who the Afghanistan Army members were and this was said in the news. The news quoted several sources who said we left papers in the embassy which had the lists of them available. Can you believe this incompetency? I don’t know this but it makes me wonder if the Taliban also have lists of all the Americans and their addresses. Could it be we had the lists of Americans but no one took them when they left? I wouldn’t be surprised. I wonder if we will ever find out the truth at some later date.

What should we do about this current situation? It seems to me we have to save our honor and send more troops back in to get those Americans and allies and get them out of there. It will result in some deaths, but in the long run save thousands of lives. We can never repair the damage we did to our reputation, but the current administration has shown it is not capable of making informed decisions and I am not just talking about the president, but the entire cabinet. I just don’t know what will be left of this country in another three years. In just a few months Biden has managed to make every wrong decision and has contributed to the covid problem by letting in so many infected aliens and spreading them all over the country, not to mention the terrorists who must have gotten in over our open borders.

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