Truth Facts



We Are Not Ready For That

Here we go again. I wonder how many times someone throughout history said the human race wasn’t ready for this or that. I know one thing; it has happened a lot and many times it happened we or our ancestors did know about it. NASA’s Chief scientist, Jim Green said it a little while ago. He was referring to weather we might find life on Mars or not. His conclusion was if we did, the human race may not be ready for it. I have to wonder if he feels the same way if we find out life did exist on Mars, but no longer? I have to think he was referring to intelligent life, but who knows?

I have to wonder why this has become such a hot topic, life on Mars that is? There wasn’t much talk about it except by UFO investigators and such until recently. It seems to be the topic became hotter after the release by the U.S. Navy of the UFO videos. I could be wrong but this is how I see it. Speaking about UFOs, we have heard many times that those in power and think tanks have advised not to tell us the truth, because, you guessed it, humans could not handle it. This has become a very tired phrase. We know more people today think UFOs are alien than ever before and it seems to be at least 50 percent who admit it, so there is probably more. We are ready.

If we go back to the Stone Age, we have to ask the question, did tribal chiefs keep secrets from the tribe because they felt the tribe couldn’t handle it? None of us were around then, if they did it might have been that food was running low or some other such thing and they didn’t want to alarm the tribe. I sort of doubt the fact there was some big secret which the chief felt the tribe couldn’t handle. They were too busy just trying to survive.

Some of the early races, like the Sumerians  wrote down most if not all daily occurrences and we have found their tablets in different places. It didn’t seem they kept many secrets and as a matter of fact they even talked about meeting with extraterrestrials called the Anunnaki. They were the Sumerian gods. The name means those who from the heavens come.
The idea of democracy years ago was thought of as ridiculous because it was felt people were too dumb to rule themselves and therefore, they were ruled by monarchs and the  excuse many times was they just couldn’t handle ruling themselves.  Most of the time this was just an excuse not to give up power and had nothing to do with the question were the people capable of ruling themselves.   

The ancient Greeks proved an enlightened society could rule themselves and thus the Greek Republic was born. They broke from Persian rule. They had broken out of the Greek Dark Ages and developed an alphabet and the citizens created a sort of constitution. By 480 B.C., most of the Greek states had overthrown their kings. People were ruling themselves. This went against the rest of the world where it was believed the people were not capable of doing this. Everything comes to an end however and ancient Greece eventually had problems with the system.
Look at the plight of women for many years in the United States. They weren’t allowed to vote because men thought they couldn’t handle it and make intelligent decisions. What a travesty that was. Usually when people think others can’t handle a certain truth it just shows their stupidity. One thing this leads to is so many secrets practically no one person is informed about everything. We have become a country of secrets I am sad to say. This idea that we must keep secrets from the population probably started out innocent enough, it started by protecting our weapons secrets and has morphed into a blizzard of documents declared secret. It has been estimated 50 to 90 percent of all government documents could be declassified without any harm to the country.

A couple of independent republics were formed in ancient India. They were Sanghas and Ganas and became democratic in the 6 century B.C. So, this proved the saying people were not capable of ruling themselves wrong.

Some things are proof the United States doesn’t think you can handle the truth about some of their secret weapons because they seem so repulsive and also seem to be a way to assassinate. I am talking about the heart attack gun. It seems it is only being kept secret from us, even though its existence has been leaked out to the world. Just the name of the weapon is foreboding, heart attack gun. This seems to mean it could cover up an assassination and make it look like a heart attack. Maybe this is one instance the population couldn’t handle the truth.

The term people just can’t handle the truth has become just an excuse. None of us are any longer backward uneducated hunters and gatherers. That time has passed. We don’t all have to be geniuses, just average people to know we can just about handle most if not all the things we are told we couldn’t. As far as aliens, that is extraterrestrials, I believe no matter how different they looked, we would be able to meet with them. We have to remember if they came here, they are a lot more advanced than we are. There is always the chance even though they are more advanced than us technologically, we might be more advanced in some other fields.

I know I am tired of hearing I or anyone else is incapable of handling something because I would panic or the event might destroy our society. I am not talking about any kind of war; I am just talking about a fact that we learn. If we haven’t let Washington destroy us, this in itself is proof we are pretty tough. We are going to have more trying events happen in the near future which we will have to handle. Almost everyone is agreeing we will soon meet extraterrestrials, an event which a think tank known as the Brookings Institute said should never be told to us because we couldn’t handle it and it would destroy society. Not that it matters, but this report came out in 1960 and even if it was true then, and it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be today. We are far too intelligent for that to happen.

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