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Articles on the Internet and Internet News Media

The world is beginning to look a lot more complicated than we thought. Maybe this is because we are now in what I call the information age, where almost everything is available for perusal on the Internet. One of the basic problems however is not everything we read is true. Some things are put up to influence us and make us act one way or another, other things are put out there for fun and to see how many of us fall for them. There are also a lot of things which are true and appear on the Internet, but the basic problem is it is hard to distinguish what is true and what isn’t true. Sometimes when true things are put out for the public to see there is a campaign to ridicule them and make us think they are fraudulent. The public is left wondering if what they are reading is true and even if it is outrageous there will always be some who say it could be true.

Recently a Dutch entrepreneur who had connections in the world of the financial elite gave an interview and he stated all the misery in the world was caused by a financial model. He claimed the elite were like a bunch of vampires and they were the cause of national debts we see everywhere and these debts do nothing but grow bigger. He also went on to say they seem to have immunity from the law. He cited a report which showed there were eight people who owned as much as half of the people in the world. He claims these elite people have built a financial system which was designed to funnel all wealth up to the top. I guess we have all noticed the fact the rich seem to be getting richer and the poor poorer, while the middle class is being wiped out. It is true many banks have been accused of money laundering and some of them have become infamous. Those of you who have studied the banks know the ones I am talking about. There are those people who are so powerful and rich they can actually influence what direction their country’s government goes.

One of the things we have to deal with is the release of documents. This is a big problem for us if the documents are acknowledged and are said to be leaked. The reason I say this is we have no way of knowing if the documents are genuine or not. For many years since the Truman administration UFO investigators and others have claimed there was a secret counsel known as Majestic who controlled all information about UFOs. Years ago a document from an unnamed source came into the public realm and purported to be an official United States document created by the government denoting who was on his counsel. There was no way to prove the document was legitimate, but the signature of President Truman seem to be his actual signature. Whether he signed the original document or not, or the signature was somehow place there we will never know. The reason I bring this up again is another document was released which claims to be a Majestic document. This document is said to be forty-seven pages and is now being examined by document syndication researchers. It describes aliens and also talks about a high-ranking official who traditionally is believed to be the head of the CIA. There is a lot more to this document, but we will probably never know if it is genuine or not. There has been a television program which has examined some of these documents and they claim they have traced the typing to a typewriter to a US Government office which issued documents.

Claims have been made stating our government has been dealing with aliens for many years and one of the reasons it has been kept secret was we didn’t want free energy to destroy the profits of the power companies. Again we are hearing things which we have no way of knowing is true. If we could have had free energy many years ago and covered it up, it would not be a surprise to me, since everything is based on profit in this country and quite frankly the needs of the people come second to the needs of the corporations and the elite. In a way, a small way, it reminds me of the famous company known as Eastman Kodak. Kodak had discovered the digital camera, but shelved it because they wanted to sell more film and didn’t want people being able to take pictures which didn’t need to be either developed or on film. What they hadn’t counted on was the fact another company might discover the digital process and come out with digital cameras. When this happened it totally destroyed the film industry and with it all the profits from selling and developing film disappeared, so from a company’s point of view it was like giving away something for free that they used to make a profit on and this is considered very bad business and I guess we shouldn’t expect any company to do this. There is a flipside to this however and that is when this is not done it impedes technical advancement.

One of the most distressing things in our world is pedophilia and lately a bevy of reports have been hitting the Internet and some of the news media about how widespread this practice is. It seems to be something which has been going on for hundreds of years among some of the elite and others of this world. It has even been said some of these poor children have been murdered afterwards for fun. It has to make one wonder how anyone could be so evil and so unfeeling that they could do this. As far as I am concerned the full force of the law should be applied against everyone who commits these acts. In some countries the practice has been going on longer than the United States has even been around. Recently a WikiLeaks document was analyzed and the person who examined it stated they believed a high-ranking official in the past administration may have been one of these pedophiles. It is claimed there are rings with so many of them in it they span the entire globe.

One story which appeared on the Internet seems to be absolutely true. It talks about how Elon Musk has added a feature to the software of Tesla cars. No it isn’t something which will warn you against lane drift or any other safety feature although these are there, it is a very unlikely feature which might not ever appear in any other car. So what is this mysterious feature? It is a system which will apply the brakes on your Tesla if it detects a UFO nearby. I’m not so sure this is a good thing, because depending on the circumstances you may not want to stop, you may want to do just the opposite, accelerate to get out of there especially if the UFO shines a beam toward your car.