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Should We Finish Exploring The Earth?

We are very busy looking at other planets, stars and all sorts of off worldly objects. I have to admit this is an interesting pursuit and we have found some things that almost defy our imaginations. I can’t help but feel there is so much on earth we know nothing about. Maybe this is one of the reasons I like the television program which uses satellite discoveries to investigate things on the earth we didn’t know were there or we knew were there, but didn’t know who made them and why. One of the things which is hard to understand is why anyone would build a city in the middle of a very dry desert and yet we have a few of those which were discovered. Where did the water come from for the residents, if they had to import their food where did they get it? These are only a couple of the questions I have. How about how were they able to make the building materials when there was nothing there but sand?

Analogous to this are the lost cities which have been found in the center of dense jungles in South and Central America. I can understand the fact there was water and food available, but can you imagine trying to build a huge stone city, yes city, in an area full of obstacles. Of course we also have the age old mystery of how the stones which weighed many tons in some cases were moved and carried.  Sometimes they were brought to the top of mountains where fortified cities were built. It is hard to believe after all these years we still don’t know how they did this and in the case of the very large stones we are unable today with all our machinery to do the same thing. We just keep finding more lost cities. What is amazing about lost cities is we never know if there are some buried under the earth or sand. We have even found some which were purposely built underground and big enough to hold tens of thousands of people.

Did you ever look at some of the rock formations on the earth? I ask this question because many people do this when they look at Mars or even the moon and talk about all the objects they found which resemble different things like ruins, faces, statues, animals and other things. What I find intriguing about this is we can do the same things on the planet earth. There is a Windows 10 backdrop of a runner on a beach with two large rock formations sticking out of the sea. I am sure many people have this on their computer. I bring this up, because the first one is roughly in the shape of an animal and if it was on the planet Mars some might be saying it was a forgotten monument which was weathered by water and time. These things appear all over our planet and perhaps some of them just might be ancient monuments. If we are willing to say this about objects on other planets why aren’t we as ready to say this about objects on the earth?

NASA has been talking about water worlds and the chance they will contain life. They even have a submarine project being readied so they can cut through the ice on an ice covered moon to get to the ocean underneath. I am all for this kind of thing, but I have to say there is so much we don’t know about our own oceans, because none of them have been sufficiently explored. Maybe we should put more effort into exploring the oceans at home first so we can get a complete picture about our own planet before worrying about what is in the oceans on other worlds. It could be knowing more about our oceans could change our entire knowledge of our world. Wouldn’t it be something if we found intelligent life right here in the oceans of earth? This may not be as far-fetched as it sounds. We have explored less than 5% of the oceans on this planet and this doesn’t include some of the large deep lakes and rivers. Doesn’t it seem like it is too soon to move to explore alien oceans?

There are satellites circling the earth which can detect the prior existence of lost cities, civilizations, waterways and such. I have to assume some of the satellites circling Mars and maybe other planets might have the same capabilities. If these satellites pick up indications of these things would NASA let us know? It doesn’t seem so, since there is a strong indication some of the Mars and Moon photos have been altered. Many people think Mars contains ruins and a lot of them. All the indications seem to be there. It may be hard to believe, but there are still places on the earth which have not been explored. Some of these places are in South America, some are in Russia and other places are scattered around the world.

Almost every continent has an area which was never explored. There are also islands which haven’t been explored. We all know India is the second most populated country in the world so one would think anything near there would be fully explored, but there is an island in the middle of the Bay of Bengal called North Sentinel which still has huge parts of it unexplored. The same is true for places in Australia and many other places. Greenland has places in the far northern region which have not been explored yet. When we talk about Russia we are talking about the biggest country on the planet and 1/5th of it is Siberia. Parts of Siberia are completely untouched by human hands and are a complete wilderness and unexplored. I have only mentioned a few spot which remain unexplored there are far more places. Should we be exploring alien planets when we didn’t finish the job here?

Wouldn’t it be nice to know everything about our own planet and its oceans before spending huge amounts of money on alien ones? I am not saying we shouldn’t go into space and explore, I just think we should finish the job here first. We might find things which will alter the way we believe life came about or exactly what our purpose is here. We might even find proof we came from somewhere else and settled here. Nothing is beyond what we could find.