Truth Facts



Some Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracies, some see them everywhere while some others say they don’t exist unless they are being performed by some group they don’t like. Actually, there are probably many conspiracies in this world and a lot of them are political. We as humans can’t deny human nature. While our definitions of conspiracy may be different, there still exists and will always exist conspiracies. Merriam-Webster defines conspiracy theory as a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators. Conspiracy is defined an agreement among conspirators.

When the internet was established, it was heralded as the greatest thing since sliced bread. No one envisioned its use by conspirators and yet, just a few years later terrorist groups were using it to relay commands and such. It became one of the greatest conspiracy tools ever invented. Yes, some of the conspirators were caught, but by and large it is almost impossible to stop this use. In the old days conspirators would use things like book codes and have to pass along a key to the code somehow. Today that is much easier since you can just do it online if you are clever enough. Once enemies get a hold of quantum computers it will be much harder to break these coded messages, and some say impossible.

In 2018 it was reported, but not widely known, that some of our satellites were blinded. It was actually said they were blinded by the deep state. What they were talking about was what is known as the One World Order people. Many do not believe these people exist, but others do and believe they will not rest until all world governments fall and there is just one government these conspiracist people can control. If we look at the world today and examine what is going on, it seems we are heading down that path. So, if the satellites being knocked out is true, what was their importance? It is being said they were communication satellites, allowing for secret communications. I have been hearing about the one world conspiracy for about 20 years or more and have heard some things which I just can’t believe, and pray they are not true.

How does one destroy a country? They let it get overrun, take away anything that gives it independence, let crime become the norm and hinder police efforts to stop that crime. They also destroy the economy with rampant inflation, cause riots and make food harder to get. When the country gets weak enough, it is ripe for terrorist attacks and maybe an attack by another country. It also helps if you do not fund the armed forces properly making that country ripe for attack. This is truly one of the worst conspiracies of all.

The conspiracy starts with the destroying of the value of the country’s currency. When we stopped backing our currency with silver and the gold was taken away from citizens that was very bad for this country. If our money was still backed by precious metals the dollar would be worth much more. I am not saying this was part of a conspiracy, it could have been just a very bad decision, but who knows?

There has been an ongoing conspiracy by some countries to steal as much of our secret technology as possible. When one country is more advanced than another, it is easier to catch up by stealing their technology than trying to advance. Over the years for example, the Chinese have stolen a lot of our technology. There has been a conspiracy to acquire as much of our technology as possible even if they have to wait years by placing spies into corporations. One case had a Chinese scientist who had worked for NASA for about 30 years and was highly respected skip the country with a lot of our data. It could have been he had his family members who were still in China threatened if he didn’t do it. I don’t understand our government in a case like this. Why would a Chinese scientist be put in a critical position if he had family in China which could be threatened and used to force him to carry out spying?

I haven’t researched about what I am going to tell you, I am only repeating it after it was published. There has been a conspiracy claim that every time President Obama had a political problem there was a conspiracy to hide it by creating bad weather such as a tornado, hurricane or some other disastrous weather. For this to be true, we would have to believe we are now able to control the weather. There had been a whisper for years which claims we can do just that, but nothing concrete. It might be fun to try and research this, that is the bad weather being created for the former president.

Do you have a smart device in your home? Perhaps it is a smart television, Echo device or some other smart electronic device. There have been many stories about a conspiracy involving these devices and claims there are powers watching and listening through them. This had been reinforced in most people’s minds after some employees admitted they had been tuning in to people who didn’t know it. There is also the fact sometimes these devices will respond while you are talking to someone. This has happened to me several times. Does your smart television sometimes turn on by itself? This is a problem I have with mine. Does any of this point to a conspiracy?

One conspiracy has to not only do with controlling the weather, but California. It states the drought in California has been created by the government on purpose. The reason being chemicals to reduce sunlight for the purpose of slowing down global warming were supposedly used. The spray is through chemtrails, those trails we see in the sky from planes. Clear skies are needed supposedly for this to succeed and because of this rain has been prevented. Wow that is some theory.

There are enough conspiracy theories to fill a library. Not only that, but the term conspiracy has been tossed around so much, it hardly means anything anymore. It has become a term someone will use just because they disagree with someone else. This is happening with a lot of other terms which used to have serious meanings, but have been weakened by their misuse. Yes, there are conspiracies and no, not anywhere as many as some would have you think.

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