Truth Facts




Conspiracy Theory

When I added a new topic to the menu called Conspiracy, I did it because there are so many conspiracy theories out there on everything from astronauts to Zulus. I guess this is just another way of saying a to z. Let me say if one believed all these different theories he or she would probably be in an institution. Having said that, how would we know if any of them were true since they are buried in thousands of other conspiracy theories? Well, they are fun to read so let’s get started. By the way I am not saying any theory I write about is true, but you never know, so use your own good judgment.

One of the organizations that is mentioned a lot in conspiracies is the Freemasons. It’s funny, but according to posts on the internet they were involved in almost every important event since Eve gave the apple to Adam. They are blamed for so much, if they are involved in anything we would never know if it was true. It is being said by certain people NASA is controlled by the Freemasons. It is also being said the shuttle launches were planned by the positions of stars and planets which are important to the Freemasons. Here are the stars and planets that are said to be important to them: Sirius, the stars in Orion's Belt, Regulus, and the planet Mars. But why would any of these be considered important? Sirius is considered important, because not only is it the brightest star in the sky, but it was important to the Egyptians and is said to be a Freemasonry symbol. Again, the stars in Orion's Belt were very important to the Egyptians and it is believed the pyramids were laid out to mimic them. As you can see the Freemasons seem to have a tie to ancient Egypt. Regulus is a star in the constellation Leo. This star was considered the star of the king in ancient Egypt. Last but not least, the planet Mars was associated with Horus, the Egyptian god. Many claim the Freemasons have their own religion and it is the same as the ancient Egyptians. There is no way I can confirm this and I am just repeating what some have said.

The claim is shuttle flights only occurred when these stars and Mars were in certain positions the Freemasons thought were advantageous. I guess this should be easy enough to check if anyone wants to take the time. There is a comet named Enke which was also said to have been tied into this somehow. It is the shortest term comet. Is your head starting to spin yet? What gives me a problem with this is the Space Shuttle was not always launched on schedule. Sometimes holds were put on the launch due to weather or malfunctions and alternate launch dates were chosen. I sort of think this alone would destroy the above theory. So called studies have been done on the alignment of the stars I mentioned along with Mars. These studies show a goodly amount of alignment hits at launch. For example, the studies show anywhere from 20% more alignment hits than the average expected which range up to 40% more. Does any of this prove anything? I really don’t think so, and no I am not a Freemason.

George Washington was a Freemason as were many other fighters in the revolution.

Conspiracy theories can exist on any topic. For example, some say there is a conspiracy going on now to keep the fact UFOs are alien craft a secret. Supposedly the conspiracy is being conducted by a secret government organization known as Majestic 12. This carries a little more weight than most conspiracy theories since Stanton Freedman a famous ufologist found a memo mentioning Majestic 12 in the national archive. The existence of this organization has always been denied by the government. It is said Majestic 12 or MJ 12 as it is also known, is in charge of anything to do with UFOs or aliens. It is also said James Forrestal, former secretary of the navy, was murdered by them. Supposedly he was thrown out of his Bethesda Naval Hospital window. He was found on the 3rd floor roof dead, he had been staying in a room on the 16th floor. Was Forrestal about to spill the beans on some secret project involving UFOs or aliens? We will never know, will we? But there are also other conspiracy theories on the death of Forrestal, they range from being killed by Russian agents to being murdered by extraterrestrial aliens, of course there is the third theory that he committed suicide."

Conspiracy theories are great at covering plots. We often hear people saying this is just another conspiracy theory. We have been unknowingly taught to think this way by headlines which constantly pound the fact into our heads that everything is a conspiracy theory. A man gets caught embezzling funds and is arrested. He immediately calls this a conspiracy. A woman gets caught shoplifting and she immediately says it is a conspiracy by the store she was in, against her. There is just no end to this stuff. We are wearing out the term Conspiracy Theory.

We all know about the most famous conspiracy theory of all, the one that states J.F.K. was murdered by people in the government who felt he was too liberal. Remember when some people said there was another shooter on that grassy knoll? Lee Harvey Oswald was said to be responsible for the crime, but some said he was just a dupe who was set up to take the fall and his bullet didn't kill the president. The X Files had an interesting take on this event, if you know who the smoking man is, it seems possible. He hid in a sewer along the route and fired up into the car from close range as it passed. The sewer was the type that was built into the curb. But almost every time an important person is killed, theories spring up and some of them seem to always blame the government in some way. What makes this killing even more mysterious and open to conspiracy theories is the fact that Oswald was killed a couple of days later by Jack Ruby. There is even a theory that says Lyndon Johnson might have been involved.

See there are enough conspiracy theories for everyone.

I am sure there will be more interesting ones in the future. Let me finish with one. It is said when the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre it was never recovered and a copy hangs in its place.

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