Truth Facts



Quantum Teleportation, Computers and Entanglement

It is beginning to happen; we have just taken advantage of quantum computing. Scientists have announced they achieved the first step in a communications system using quantum entanglement. They have teleported photons 27 miles using this system. So, you might say, why should I care? First let me explain what quantum entanglement is. It is the ability for one particle to instantly change another no matter how far away it is. This procedure eliminates any lags caused by distance. If you wanted to send a message using a similar system which was perfected, you could instantly send it to the edge of the universe. Think about it, space ships could have instant communication no matter how far away they were.

Right now, we are limited by light speed with everything we do. While light speed seems super-fast to us earthlings, it is super slow when you try and use it in space at any distance unless you are very near the place you are trying to reach. It is fine to use to radio the space station but not so fine if someone was on Mars and the best you could do would be 13 minutes each way to communicate and in the scheme of things Mars is considered our next door neighbor. There comes a point where it is totally impractical to try and use radios to send signals in space. I believe we are wasting our time looking for alien radio signals because advanced aliens would be using something much faster and signals from others would take so long the race sending them might be extinct by the time we received the signal.

We know when quantum computers are totally perfected, they will enable us to perform many advanced scientific investigations into everything we could think of. Some scientists believe the answer to life will be found, I am not so sure about that, but there is no doubt there are things we can’t do now with a classical computer no matter how powerful it is. I am not talking about the average person because they probably have far more computer power than they know what to do with, but scientifically speaking entire new frontiers will be opened to us and we might be solving many of the things we have no answers for today.

What could some of the things be which I am talking about? Think about exploring other planets. We are limited today by the speed of our rockets and the radiation in space along with many other problems. Many people believe a quantum computer may be able to either get us going much faster or create some scheme to move the space around us. We might even eventually be able to make such things as worm holes and use them as shortcuts. We have been trying for decades to build a synthetic brain which operates like a human one. This could be a worthy first project for a quantum computer, of course this scares some people, but they have to remember Terminator was only a movie.

It has been said one of the problems a quantum computer will be able to solve is creating an encryption which cannot be broken. It seems any encryption we create using classical computers eventually gets broken even the codes guarding our nuclear weapons. Personally, I don’t understand why that is being said because if a quantum computer is able to create an encryption it seems there is a possibility another could break it. Some scientists stick by what they said and claim I am wrong. I remember when the military said they had a system to protect the nukes years ago and challenged a white hat hacker to break in. A white hat hacker is a person who hacks for the authorities to test their systems. The hacker had an Apple computer and after three days he was in, the authorities were not very happy.

Quantum entanglement might allow quantum computers to become super doctors and we might learn things about the human body we never knew before. Some even think there will be a breakthrough allowing us to create life, human life by using a human body and allowing a quantum computer to scan everything in the body down to the tiniest atoms. Once this happens, we may have opened the gateway to developing a real transporter and this in turn might even allow us to travel between worlds without a ship. We could just be beamed to another transporter. There is a lingering question about this however. I have always believed if a transporter was developed it would kill the person it takes apart and create a copy on the other end who thinks he is the same person.

If we create quantum computers and quantum entanglement is perfected than it will open the universe to us, allowing us to communicate instantly with civilizations who are capable of receiving such communication. Our existence will no longer be a secret, as it could be now. Do we really want to allow ourselves to be known by perhaps billions of hostile races even if there are many more billions of friendly ones? This is one of those questions which has to be considered. Quantum computers may also enable us to do things to each other which many of us wouldn’t want. For example, many are worried today about the research going on to enable mind reading. A quantum computer might make this a reality in a short period of time. Many of us believe privacy is almost dead and the last bastion of it is our private thoughts. If governments get the ability to read minds how long will it be before they say they have to read everyone’s minds because it is a matter of security? Look how fast the government decided to monitor all phone calls from all over the world. They have been doing if for generations. Also consider the number of cameras which have been installed everywhere. When a new technology is born it is quickly adapted no matter how invasive it seems to be. There is always an excuse for why it is needed.

While quantum computing using quantum entanglement and quantum devices may be an incredible gift to mankind, it will also have a dark side depending on how it is used and by who. Weapons will become even more deadly as we unlock incredible new ways of killing ourselves. There may even come a time when we wish we hadn’t invented quantum computers. One can only hope sane people will keep an eye on their use.

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