Truth Facts



A Little Truth Facts History

I am always looking for new events, or famous old ones, to write about. I don’t know why I am built this way, but I just have many different interests and like to share them with others who may have the same or similar interests. When I retired from my job many years ago, I decided to take advantage of the internet which had not been around for that long. I developed my first website and it was a learning experience. I had taken computer courses in college, but that really didn’t help much because in those days you created programs with punch cards. Talk about complex. Each card contained a small part of a program which you would feed into a mainframe. There were really no suitable home computers out yet.

What I found out was the internet community in those days was pretty close knit. You got to know people on a more personal basis. To give you an example, when I needed my Amiga computer repaired, I would go to a house where the repair guy would do the hardware repairs like soldering the board or some such thing. I didn’t know of any commercial repair shops at the time. Regardless about what you hear today about Apple, Atari, Radio Shack and IBM, the Amiga was head and shoulders above the rest and was an incredible machine for its time.

Enough of that though. Let me get back to the internet. Over time I have had three different websites and have been on one or two more. The first website was Secret Truth, the second About Facts and the current one as you know is Truth Facts. Why did I have three? The reason is the first one, Secret Truth I make a complete bollocks of. I really didn’t completely understand what I was doing. The second site, About Facts was being run out of an eastern European country and worked find for a while. I was getting too many people logging on so I had to expand the service. When I did, I couldn’t get the site up and running, there was something wrong. I contacted the host and he told me I was responsible, but I said he gave me a broken site. He wanted more money which I refused so he would not release my site name and I couldn’t port it over to another host. Lucky for me I had paid with a credit card, which I always do because it is easier to stop payments, which I did and closed my account with this guy. He was furious and continued to hold on to the name so when I got this website, I had to put it under a new name which I wanted to be True Facts, but that was taken and I ended up with Truth Facts.

I was writing in code and it was a pain so I decided I needed a quicker way to create a new website, and at the time the best way available was with Adobe Dreamweaver. While this was easier than writing straight code, it was still complex and I had a lot to learn. In order to save money, I looked for a sale on Dreamweaver and kept updating it over the years. With the final update I purchased, I was notified by Adobe this was an illegal copy. I told them where I got it and how I thought it was theirs and the representative took pity on me and authorized it. Ever since that day, I had tremendous respect for Adobe because they did something for me, I would have done for someone else.

What I wanted to do was create a site which was not only free from ads, but contained material I liked and hopefully others did also. Over the years people have wondered why I don’t have any adverts on the site and have suggested to me I could make some money, but the truth is I hate ads when I go onto other sites and since this site is my hobby and not my business, it will never contain ads as long as I run it.

I have had a lot of interesting people over the years and interviewed some of them. I know it is obvious the site runs heavy on UFO material, that is because this is one of my favorite subjects, and many of the interviews I conducted were with UFO book authors. I learned so much about the subject which just kept feeding the fire of my interest. I am sure there are some of you who may think I should devote the entire site to the subject, but this would stop me from writing about something interesting which was not UFO oriented. Take for example the work on zero energy. Years ago, I interviewed a Canadian inventor who had claimed he tapped into this free energy from space and the government of the United States had sent a Colonel over to see what he could do. I just couldn’t pass up an interview with this person.

One of the most unusual interviews I had was with an engineer who was working on an air powered car. I tracked him down in a jungle village and found he had a problem with his voice and wondered how I could conduct this interview. I could barely make out what he was saying and typed up the interview and then used an artificial voice to read the interview. I no longer do interviews because it is just too much work for me at my age.

Today, I have much more sophisticated tools at my disposal which has made the posting of articles a lot easier. Nothing is perfect however and things sometimes happen which throw a monkey wrench into the process. The first thing is something that doesn’t happen very much, but does happen and that is the internet goes down. There is nothing I can do about that if it wasn’t my equipment causing the problem. Another thing which happens is an error on the page I am sending to the website appears and I have to look for it and correct it. Once in a great while the voice translation from the text file goes wrong and that might have to be fixed.

Don’t get me wrong, things are a lot easier today than they used to be. If a person wants to create a website today and is not too picky, it is a snap to do. I still go old school using Dreamweaver and probably will until I close down.

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