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Secrets of Ancient Monuments and Cities

Sometimes mysteries are there right before our eyes and we don’t notice them. Humans may have seen an ancient structure for hundreds of years without realizing it had further secrets. As technology advances we obtain more tools which help us in examining these structures and even discovering new ones which we never knew existed. I would like to repeat something I have heard and referred to in the past and it is there are probably more structures under the sands in Egypt than the ones we have already discovered. One mysterious structure which has amazed humans since its construction is the Great Pyramid at Giza. Archaeologists think there is more to this pyramid than we currently know. The last major cavity in the pyramid was discovered in the 1800s, that is until now. Recently a major void was discovered in the pyramid and it is quite large being 153 feet long and 26 feet high. We do not know what is in that space and it might even be several spaces combined. Could it be there is treasure there or perhaps the mummy of a pharaoh we never knew existed? One archaeologist stated “This is definitely the discovery of the century.”

When large ancient ruins were discovered by less ancient people many of them thought the construction was conducted by giants, thus they were able to lift the large stone blocks which were used. We know better today, but we also know from graves which were found that there were some gigantic people on earth. Nan Madol is an ancient archaeological site near Pohnpei which was the capital of the Saudeleur Dynasty. Today it is located in the Federated States of Micronesia. It seems impossible to have been built. If we take into consideration the people who built it had no metal and would have had to move 2,000 tons of stone a year for 400 years to complete the construction, it makes us wonder what went on there. They had to construct 100 artificial islets using stone and coral. To this day we can’t figure out how this place was able to be built.

Another place which stunned archaeologists when it was discovered was Teotihuacan, a Pre-Columbian city which held over 200,000 people and which was one of the largest cities in the world at the time it was built. It is believed to have been constructed in 200 B.C. The site is in Mexico. No written record was left behind by the residents of the city. There is no evidence showing why this magnificent city was abandoned. The name means “the place where the gods were created.” The current belief by one archaeologist is four royal houses ran the city by committee. Recently a tunnel has been found under the Temple of the Feathered Serpent. This structure is a pyramid and the city has a few. It has been determined the tunnel, which was discovered when a hole appeared over it leads to the exact center of the pyramid it is under. More than 70,000 pieces of objects and objects were found in the tunnel so far. The experts believe the tunnel leads to a representation of the underworld.

Puma Punku is located in Bolivia. This site could be classified as one of the most mysterious of all. The exact date of its construction is unknown and some people believe aliens built it. This site is located near Lake Titicaca which itself is considered mysterious. What makes this area so mysterious are the facts no mortar was used to construct it and the stones interlocked. The stone slabs seem to be identical to each other and contain precise cuts which are so well made you could cut yourself on the edges. They seem to have been manufactured in a factory to specifications which were identical in each case. This is impossible, because when the Incas conquered the area in 1470 the city had already been abandoned. Some believe the site was built between 500 and 600 AD, but others think it is far older. Finally, there are no tool marks on the stone slabs so it seems something like a laser had to have been used to create the cuts.

This is a huge temple complex on Malta known Ggantija. The complex is older than even the pyramids in Egypt. They have been dated at 3600 BC or about a thousand years newer, but like many guesses of age they could be a lot older. The ancients believed the complex was built by a female giant. There are two complete temples and a third which seems to never have been completed. This complex was built before the wheel and again no metal tools were available. The height of one temple rises almost 20 feet. Some of the stones used were far too heavy to be lifted, so one has to wonder again how the ancients moved them.

Ancient construction leaves us with many questions and it seems that somewhere along the way we lost the knowledge of how to move stones which even weighed up to 250 tons without any equipment. There are so many instances of tremendous stones being moved in ancient times it seems quite common to be able to do this back then. Even more mysterious if that can be, is the fact this ability was possessed by almost every race no matter where they were located, so it had to have been shared at some point or if not that would have to mean every race had discovered it which seem quite unlikely.