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Did The Ancients Know We Came From Somewhere Else?

I was reading something the other day and it referred to aliens meeting with humans. It was a statement in which a human was said to have heard and told to others. The statement was about nuclear weapons and supposedly the aliens had said we had reached that point again. The most interesting part of the last sentence was the word again. If we did meet with aliens and many think we did, and they really said this to each other than are we to assume we have been on this road before and perhaps we eventually destroyed ourselves? There doesn’t seem to be any doubt nuclear weapons cannot really be controlled, they are like a virus spreading throughout the body, only this time the body is the planet earth. There has been a lot of talk lately about our origins. Some scientists believe we came from somewhere else and were either brought to this planet or traveled here. I have listed the reasons for this belief in previous articles, so I will go into them again in depth but I will say the human body doesn’t seem to be particularly suitable for living on our planet.

If we were once a nuclear power in the past, it doesn’t necessarily mean it happened on this planet. There are a lot of different theories out there and some have to do with this particular subject. One belief is we are the remains of a civilization which had reached a similar point in development, before destroying itself in a nuclear conflict. It is believed friendly aliens brought us to the planet earth to start our society over. One of the problems with the human race is trust. It is very hard for us to trust people. What makes it even harder is when our own government tells us things which are not true. The hypocrisy doesn’t help either. What I am talking about is when a political leader is found to have committed either a crime or a morally objectionable act and all the other politicians condemned this act in the harshest way and then we find out one or more of them are doing the same thing or did the same thing.

Certain star systems interested ancient man very much and there are a lot of theories which try to explain why. Some of these stars or star systems are the Pleiades, the Dog Star (Sirius) and the stars in Orion. There are also others. Why were the ancients so fascinated by the stars? Could it be we came from one of the star systems?  If we look at the Pleiades star system we find a system which is about 500 light years from earth. While we are not able today to even think about getting there, the distance is not terribly far in astronomical terms when you consider the fact there are star systems which are as far away as thirteen billion light years and maybe more. There is also talk in the UFO community stating the government has had meetings with aliens from the system and they look like us. The only difference being they are all tall and blond. Supposedly these are the aliens which feel an affinity towards us and the reason could be they are also human. Maybe we come from a different planet in their system and were brought here, because we were too dangerous to be near?

In 2013 New Scientist published an article stating the oldest temple ever found was used to warship the Dog Star. The temple is Gobekli Tepe and the article says it is at least 11,000 years old. There are some who disagree with this estimate of age and they claim it is much older. Of all the stars in the sky why would the Dog Star be the one which was picked to worship and how do we know this is correct? Let me start by answering the second question first. Two pillars in the center of the temple frame the location of Sirius at different points in the sky. It was clearly the focus of the temple. Before this temple was discovered the theory was agriculture came first and then organized temple building. This temple puts that theory in danger since agriculture is said to only date back 10,000 years. Multiple civilizations worshiped Sirius. Some explain this fact by saying it is the brightest star in the sky, but is there more to it than this? Could it be our ancient roots can be found in the star system? Once we get into space in a meaningful way and have beat the problem of being able to travel long distances in a short period of time we may find ruins and such on other planets which were inhabited by humans, before we came here. Could there be something the ancients knew about Sirius and that was, its star system was the birthplace of the human race?

Maybe the ancient Egyptians had it figured out. Many speculate they were in contact with aliens and were told things which were lost to history. We know they were very interested in the constellation Orion. The Egyptians were so interested in Orion they built the three pyramids in Gaza in the exact positions of the stars in Orion’s belt. Why would a civilization decide to build monuments to these three stars? The Egyptians associated Orion with Osiris the God of rebirth and after life. Could it be interpreted the rebirth which they were talking about was the moving of humans from a planet in Orion to the earth? If a belief is very ancient it could be its meaning gets changed over the years and at some point people forget the original meaning. Could this be the case with the worship of Orion?

It could turn out the earth may not have been the first stop after moving humans. They might have been moved to Mars first, but some calamity could have forced their movement again. There are scientists who claim Mars was the victim of a massive nuclear attack and they base this upon remains of isotopes which have been discovered on the planet. Maybe we will be able to figure all this out someday, but it may not happen until we become a true space faring race.