Truth Facts



Ancient Man

As most of  us know by now, the date for humans appearing on the earth keeps getting pushed back. Usually the way this date is determined is by tools that are discovered and the remains of food which was cooked. Bite marks also help. This does leave a question in my mind however and that question is how long were humans here BEFORE they learned to use tools, which is the prevalent way of dating? There is also the question could some other ancient type ancestor have used tools which looked like the ones we used? We have to remember the tools we are talking about are nothing more than rocks which have been chipped for a specific purpose. Also, was this the first time around for humans on this planet? We can only go back so far, because our planet is dynamic and everything changes plus human bodies are fragile and we are probably not going to find any which are preserved past a certain date whereas dinosaur remains are all over the place.

Archaeologists have dated some tools in Gabon to as old as 850,000 years. They were surprised because before this the countries of Central Africa were thought to be devoid of ancient human life. One day an archaeologist traveling there noticed what looked like stone tools, but it was the 1980s and dating technology was limited, but still he found the tools were at least 400,000 years old which surprised not only him but the rest of the scientific community. In 2019 an expedition found new tool samples and after testing them came to the new date which was the extreme of the range. They were said to be at least 620,000 years old but could be as much as 850,000 years old.

A new study seems to go against DNA findings which had claimed there was some Neanderthal DNA in our genes. The study claims Homo Sapiens definitely originated from Africa and claims no other early human types contributed to our makeup. A scientific paper published in 2018 claims the question of our origins is still unanswered. It states there is plenty of evidence we got to be what we are today through interactions between  races all within Africa. The author states the evolution of man is very involved and there is fossil, archaeological and genetic evidence which goes against the idea of a single region evolution. On top of all this a foot print of a human was found in Crete which could  be the earliest evidence so far of humans.

One thing which does make me wonder is why would ancient man want to travel to cold areas? If man came from Africa he certainly was not equipped to deal with cold weather, yet he must have traveled or we wouldn’t find traces of his existence in the colder regions which date back so far. It looks like the reason the North Pole wasn’t traveled to by early man was it has been very cold for 280 million years. The South Pole has been frigid for over 90 million years. This is far before humans were said to exist.

There are sites on this planet which just do not adhere to current theories about humans and how they lived. I have mention before there are sites which could only have been built if humans settled down, but at the time they were constructed scientists were saying all humans were hunter gatherers. This would have meant they would have had to move on in a short period of time and couldn’t have completed the construction. When some are asked about this they come up with the same old song and say the aliens must have built the construction. Personally, I am tired of hearing this every time we come across something we don’t understand, especially since we don’t even know if extraterrestrials exist.

New extinct branches of the human race keep being discovered. In a cave in South Africa a discovery was made. The bones of 15 ancient people were found. They were from an undiscovered race which has been named Homo naledi. The adults were only about 1 ¾ feet tall. Scientists think they lived in the trees, but this begs the question of why were their bones in a cave? The cave has been called the Cradle of Humankind because of so many discoveries made there. Apparently, the Homo naledi used a type  of burial procedure which proved they were intelligent. In Spain there is a cave which contains bones from different human ancestors which date back 350,000 years.

Scientists like to date things and have given dates for when we started doing certain things. I don’t think all scientists agree with the dates, but here they are:
Walking – 3 million years ago. This was far before Homo Sapiens existed according to scientists.
Talking – 600,000 years ago. If this is correct it means the humans in Gabon would not have been able to talk if they were truly a race which went back over 800,000 years plus.
Art – This answer is based on cave art and a Ram sculpture. The ram has been dated to have been created 250,000 to 280,000 years ago. I think art could have existed far longer but it might not have been our idea of art today.

One of the things which seems to go against evolution if one believes in it, is the fact human brains are smaller today than they were in humans and Neanderthals 20,000 to 30,000 years ago. It was always thought the bigger the brain the more evolved humans would become. It just might be our brains are far more efficient than those bigger brains from thousands of years ago.

Why did Neanderthals, a race which was all over Europe and Asia disappear around 30,000 years ago? Some say they were around until 24,000 years ago and a few people think we might discover a few of them in some remote area of the earth. Humans were blamed for their extinction. It was said we hunted their food, or we hunted them down for being different. You don’t hear much about a Neanderthal Pandemic. It could have happened and maybe humans were either not susceptible to it, or only a few died. I personally don’t think modern humans were a threat to their hunting because they were better built for it than we were.

Much of our existence is a mystery. God could have put us here, but scientists don’t want to hear that. Everything has to relate to evolution.

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