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Do We Have A Space Fleet?

There is a rumor which never seems to go away and has existed for at least 50 years and that rumor states we have a secret space fleet. Every time this is mentioned it is met with skepticism and ridicule. I have monitored these types of things for a long time and over the years I began to believe there is an organized group which has been created just for the purpose of making anything which could be true, which is deemed a threat to government secrecy, a target. Is it just a coincidence such vicious attacks are sometimes launched against those who claim to know the truth. When I was the webmaster of About Facts Net I had gathered many photos purported to be from NASA. I only say purported, because NASA would never admit a photo came from them if anything was in it they didn’t want us to see. My sources assured me they were taken by the rovers.

The photos not only showed many indications that life once flourished on Mars, but also indications we were also there. When I say indications of life were shown, I am talking about pieces of ruins which clearly showed they were manufactured and were parts of buildings, statues and yes even arrowheads. The first photo I had posted clearly showed a footprint made with a dress shoe and another showed a cigarette butt laying on the ground on Mars. The butt was from a filter cigarette which had been smoked almost down to the filter. There was no denying what it was. The only reason I am not posting those photos here on About Facts is my policy now is to only post photos and drawings I take or create myself. There are many photos of Mars which have been airbrushed and sometimes the un-airbrushed version comes out and you can actually compare the two and see what was taken out of the photo. This is due to the fact there are some people working at NASA who want us to know the truth and they sneak out a photo whenever they can.

We should not be surprised at the possibility of a secret space fleet. There are a lot of things pointing to the fact we do have one. Let me start with the hacker Gary McKinnon who admitted he got into some secure defense websites and into a secure NASA site and on that site he said he found not only we had a space fleet, but the names of the ships and the officers on them which were listed. Some will say this is not proof and he could be lying, but what would be the purpose of that? He never took back what he said even in all the years the United States was trying to extradite him to this country for a trial and I presume punishment. We all know how that ended, he is still in England and we are no longer after him. Just recently two whistleblowers who worked for NASA have stated they saw people walking on Mars near the rovers. Why would these former employees lie and face the storm of humiliation or ridicule and denial unless they thought they were performing a public service?

This country has more secret black programs which are not accountable to congress, than most would ever suspect. It is so hard to believe at least one of them might be a secret space program? Even with all the corruption in Washington isn’t it hard to believe we could be as deep into debt as we are? Could a large portion of that debt be due to the construction and development of large spacecraft? Don’t be too quick to say no, because there could be almost anything going on which we have no knowledge of. One whistleblower came forward and claims he served three years in the fleet which is known as Solar Warden, part of the Earth Defense Force. He stated something truly surprising by telling a panel that the Earth Defense Force recruits personnel from the military services of not only the U.S., but from other nations including China and Russia. He said that previously he had been stationed on Mars protecting colonies from indigenous Martian life forms for 17 years.

One of the problems of all this is whistleblowers may have their records erased to make them look like frauds. Years ago a whistleblower named Bob Lazar had come forward and stated he was an engineer and worked at Area 51. There was no record of him ever being there and no record from the schools he said he attended. An investigative reporter looked into this case and found Lazar’s name in the telephone directory for Area 51 and then interviewed employees from there and they said they remembered him working there. His records had been erased to make him look like a liar, but they forgot to erase his name from the telephone book. This is what whistleblowers face, they are made to look like liars and fools.

It is said we now have 8 large cigar shaped ships which are longer than two football fields and they are mother ships and we also have 43 smaller ships. These figures are at least two years old so we may have even more ships by now. Over the years information has leaked out about this fleet which cannot be verified, but it is thought to be accurate. It states the fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) and the headquarters is in Dahlgren Virginia. It is said that of a couple of years ago there were about 300 people stationed there. Are other nations really involved in Solar Warden? If they are this certainly would present a totally different picture of our political relations with some of these countries especially China and Russia.

The Huffington Post ran an article on 11/07/12 entitled “Solar Warden – The Secret Space Program”. The article claims the fleet really exists and has been in operation since 1980. The article claims the program is classified and operates under the US Government and also under the United Nations. The article is not definitive however and while not dismissing Solar Warden does leave us with the feeling there was not enough proof.

If this program exists and I am sure it does, what does this mean for our society? It definitely means we are just wasting money on NASA which is using archaic rockets and such as a cover-up for a much more advanced secret program, one which may have already sent astronauts to other planets and moons. There is really no information on the propulsion systems used by the fleet, but there is a good bet based on the fact we have been researching anti-gravity propulsion for about 75 years, that we have perfected it and the smaller ships may use it. What is used on the mother ships is a different story, it could be a fusion propulsion engine but I think it would be even more efficient than that since Ben Rich, former director of the Lockheed Skunkworks stated on his deathbed that we had the means to take ET home and were far more advanced than people knew, but it would take an act of God to get these inventions and devices out of the black projects they were in. This was not a direct quote.

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