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Aviation Week and Space Technology May 15, 1995 had announced it was now a possibility to substitute energy for mass. A device called an 'air spike' could make it possible for easier hypersonic flight. Two scientists were responsible for this breakthrough. Leik Myrabo, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Rensselaer and Yuri Raizer of the Moscow-based Russian Academy of Science's Institute for Problems in Mechanics. The basic concept is the shape of an object can be changed by substituting directed energy where there would normally be mass. A nose cone could be created by energy shaped like a nose cone. Not only would the aerodynamics of an object be controlled, but also the thermodynamics. This would make it possible for a flying object to be any shape. A whole new set of rules would apply to flying. It’s a funny thing, how many times have we seen pictures of UFOs that seem to change their shape while moving, could this be the reason why?

It would be very easy for us to mistake something shaped like an object which was created by energy to be a solid object. How would we know if for instance the energy used was black or gray? Lately some have been very concerned about objects changing shape and we have even come up with a material which seems to be able to do some shape changing, but nothing on the scale which has been reported.

The thermodynamic effects should either eliminate, or reduce drastically, the need for a heat shield on vehicles traveling at hypersonic speeds. I would have thought it could have been used on the space shuttle to eliminate those dangerous tiles that keep falling off. It was estimated a vehicle traveling at Mach 35 (Mach equals the speed of sound about 750 mph at ground level) would only be subject to the effects of Mach 3 while using the 'air spike'. Why haven’t we seen this yet. Some believe it exists on secret military aircraft. Since both an American and Russian scientist were involved, could there be secret planes in both the U.S. and Russian Air Force which take advantage of this idea?

If one were to use a saucer shaped vehicle with the 'air spike' it could be adjusted so that the compressed air behind the spike would hit the rim of the ship where its energy could be utilized. It is thought however it would ultra-heat the rim area where it hit. Could the material of the ship be able to stand this ultra-hot area? Maybe aerogel tiles which are made mostly of air and are a great insulator and have practically no weight could be used around this rim.  A small cylinder the general shape of an Apollo capsule was tested in a 2 foot diameter air tunnel using a plasma torch to generate the same type of shock wave as the 'air spike'. It was a success, pockets of air formed behind it to protect the cylinder from the heat of friction.

It seems this work began in the 1950s and 1960s. In the beginning rocket exhausts were used to try to create the 'air spike' as was water and other systems. Then lasers were proposed, but now microwaves are the technology of choice, but there could be other technologies being used we are unaware of. As advances in technology take place, they could enhance the ability of the aerospike to become more efficient. The aerospike probably just didn’t disappear because we no longer hear about it. Things are moved into secret programs all the time, especially when a breakthrough is made or one is obvious. Money can even be moved from any agency in the Federal Government for secret projects, there is a law which allows this to happen without the approval of the agency whose money is being moved.

One of the reasons this research began was to try and significantly drive down the cost of sending an object into orbit. In 1995, when the 'air spike' story appeared, the scientists working on the project stated by the next century it would be possible to build a small double hulled saucer shaped space plane that would hold 1 person and take him into orbit using silicon carbide materials. Could this be the Aurora, the top secret plane the U.S. never admitted to? Even more coincidentally, Myrabo was associated earlier with the development of a pulse detonation wave engine that used lasers. The proposed craft would use a magnetohydrodynamic fan engine for speeds above Mach 1. Because of the type of power and configuration of the vehicle it would become very bright under high speeds. Again, sounds like those bright pictures of UFOs we've seen, doesn't it? One thing most of us who are interested in UFOs always knew and it was some of the UFO sightings were secret aircraft, I don’t think anyone would deny this.

To supply microwaves to our craft we would need a system of satellites that collect them. They would then be beamed down to the earth where they could be beamed up to a traveling ship to supply it with energy to create its 'air spike'. The satellites could be relatively small weighing a total of only 100 pounds because the collector machines would only be about 66 pounds.

NASA and the U.S. Air Force say they are interested in the 'air spike' but they also say they believe that it wouldn't supply any immediate benefit, yeah right. Some scientists agree the thermal protection provided by the 'air spike' can be used immediately. NASA claims that the concept is restricted because there is a limit on the number of microwaves that can be transmitted. I am sure this is always being improved upon as time goes by.

No one knows what effect the microwaves would have on the ozone layer right now, or so they say. There are those who think the H.A.A.R.P. project which shoots holes in the ozone layer might be using microwaves.

The 'air spike' story was published twenty-four years ago. It is hard for me to believe that we have done nothing about this concept. Is it possible we are using it on secret aircraft? As I said above, it might be on the Aurora and the Aurora might be the space plane predicted by Prof. Leik Myrabo. Who knows what else we might have? Pravda Ru, ran an interview with a Russian General who lamented the Russians could keep up with any planes we build, but were not a competitor in space planes. He seemed to think we have something under wraps.

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